Do you know how socialist MEP István Ujhelyi (Wellness) spends his working hours in colorful and fragrant Brussels? Well, by throwing flyers defaming Viktor Orbán and Jaroslaw Kaczynski into the mailboxes of his fellow deputies.
In the leaflets, he calls the presidents of the Hungarian and Polish conservative parties "illiberal Pegasus brothers" and claims that they violate European values (whatever they may be) and do not respect the privacy of Europeans. (Private sector? Interesting, it's not Ujhelyi who used to break down the door during frolics, if I remember correctly.) He also describes the Hungarian and Polish governments as populists and autocrats.
One word is more than a hundred: István Ujhelyi distributes lying, defamatory leaflets to foreign politicians to discredit his native country and its prime minister. He would like to work somehow for his modest wages (2.2 million HUF monthly honorarium, 1.5 million HUF reimbursement, plus 105 thousand HUF daily allowance). Perhaps he would also clean the corridors of the European Parliament with his toothbrush, if that gave hope that they would finally come to power.
In more humane times, when the words: "morality", "honor", "patriotism" were still taken seriously, such figures who were against their country were called what they are: traitors. If they were lucky, they were just spit on, ostracized for life. In a classified case, they met the fate of Lieutenant Hegedűs. Today, however, such people parade up and down after their treason, proudly proclaiming their misdeeds and hoping for votes.
Ujhelyi is also very proud of its leaflets. (I think he wrote it back home, in the wellness center of Szeged-Szóreg or at his hacienda in Balaton, which the Széviép slapped him, smart'.) Who immediately wrote on the Internet that he and a friend of a Polish Bolshevik named Robert Biedron were the perpetrators. "By distributing the flyers, we wanted to draw attention to the Pegasus case," he explained. It doesn't bother you at all that the Pegasus balloon has already popped, no one cares. There is not a single piece of evidence that the Hungarian secret services illegally intercepted anyone. (I would add: in order to preserve the homeland, it would be beneficial to keep an eye on the Hegedűs lieutenants of our time.)
According to Ujhelyi, the task of MEPs is to stand up for "European values". He finds himself in a common mistake. This is the snowball of the homeless Brusselsites. The task of a Hungarian EP representative is actually to fight for the interests of his country, to lobby for the adoption of EU legislation favorable to Hungary. No other. Ujhelyi was not elected by "European values" and sent to Brussels for a dream salary, but by the Hungarians, so it would be a dog's duty to serve the Hungarians. On the other hand, it is not a service that he hits his country with nebulous, reversible rubber terms used by the Brussels bureaucrats, undermines its international authority, fights for its punishment, and leads the enemy to our castle by a secret route.
What are European values? For example, falsifying budget deficit data? When did Gyurcsány and Ujhelyi's party send fake numbers to Brussels in 2006? That was totally fine, huh? One thing is certain: no proceedings have been initiated against Hungary. Honesty and the ability to govern are therefore not European values. Just like asking people's opinions, neither is a referendum, which is why Brussels is mad against the child protection referendum. And that's why the Ujhelyis tried to stop the visit fee referendum at the time. European values, huh? Or when the eyes of the protesters against the lies in Gyurcsány were shot out in the fall of 2006, it was also democratic and governed by the rule of law. The fact that hundreds of demonstrators were arrested by the left-liberal terrorist state - as the second-instance courts later declared: illegal - was also appropriate, wasn't it? At that time, the "European values" worked perfectly - as the Western multinationals could wheel the money of the Hungarians out of the country without disturbance. Now, however, when left-wing anarchists destroy the headquarters of Fidesz and no one bats an eye, European values are now in danger. Clear.
No sooner have we freed ourselves from the stranglehold of one monstrous empire (the Soviet Union) than we are already in another (the European Union). Instead of Muscovites, Brusselsites sat on our necks, and they teach us how to eat with a knife and fork and good manners.
"Neither in the past nor in the future will I vote for a proposal that calls for the application of Article 7, or that at least opens up the possibility of sanctions that also seriously affect citizens," Ujhelyi wrote in December 2015 .
Even then he seemed to know it was treason.
Three years later, however, with cockade in hand, he voted for the Sargentini report, which could result in the Article 7 procedure and ultimately the suspension of Hungary's right to vote. They would burn down their country just to gain power. These are monsters.
Featured Image: PS