Marriage week ends tomorrow. And what is not new, marriage has been concluded between a woman and a man since the beginning of time. At the same time, in the last few years, same-sex marriage has caused a heated debate. But why? After all, same-sex attraction upends the written and unwritten social arrangements created by normal thinking people. A tiny minority wants to claim the rights and customs practiced by the majority, while going against their behavior, their perception, and the social norms. Then why do they want to get married. Let them live their lives the way they want, be different, but don't get married. Because if we give in to a handful of minorities, in the end decades later we will reach the point where only same-sex marriages will be legal, and the majority will not. As we know, marriage is a sacred thing, which - because we have come here - must be strengthened, for example, with actions such as marriage week.

Speaking of sale!

I read that the collection that Diaspora Aid, a non-governmental organization founded by Hungarians in England, started recently so that as many people living there as possible, but with domestic addresses, can vote on April 3rd, is already at approximately HUF 3.5 million. The NGO undertook the collection in order to bring Hungarians from the big cities in England by bus or in other ways to the places where they can cast their votes.

Well, people living in abject poverty at home emigrated to continue their deviant lifestyle abroad. They don't even have money to buy a bus ticket and travel to the designated polling stations. Of course, they kept the home address, because it is not good at home because of the French government, but they run so that if the need arises, they can fly home, if nothing else, because of the health care. Of course, the question is whether, if they vote for the opposition, it will still be worth it to pay for the plane ticket.

And this is no joke.

Although Márki-Zay's antics recently included a joke that even the liberal left-wing press considered racist. Péter said live on his social media page:

"There's a cute joke - a joke with Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles that many of you might be familiar with."

When he is asked - according to the joke, of course - in an interview what it's like to be blind, he says, well, it's still better than being a Negro - Péter Márki-Zay told the joke.

After this, it is already possible to imagine that during his stay in America, the funny Peti called the weak coffee known there "Negervervite".

Not until now, but we can't expect much from him either, since he said, for example, in his speech evaluating the country:

"Fate took my hand and guided my steps. Hundreds of thousands saw hope in me and I accepted their call".

According to the candidate for prime minister, the people "thank the opposition" for the 13th month pension and the price freeze.

"I want to free my country from evil".

Mister Mark! I liked standing in the wrong place, because fate just put me on the side of evil. And I don't know what hope hundreds of thousands see in you, but it is certain that your manifestations are not hopeful. You could say they are losing authority. Come to think of it, you no longer have any authority and as we know, the authoritative donkeys grouped around you have already caused a lot of trouble.

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