In his article published in Magyar Hírlap, economist Károly Lóránt attempts to show what steps and events led to the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. An excerpt from his opinion piece is quoted below.

A series of small, individually not very significant steps led to today's war - the end of which no one knows. It started with the fact that during the German reunification, the American and German leaders promised Gorbachev that if the united Germany could remain a member of NATO, NATO would not push east one centimeter. Soon, however, first Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary (1999), then Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia (2004), then Albania and Croatia (2009), Montenegro (2017), North Macedonia (2020) joined the organization. , and membership was also promised to Georgia and Ukraine. If one depicts this process on a map, one can see that, despite the promises, NATO is getting closer and closer to Russia's borders.

Many sources could be cited, and one day, if possible, it should be done, documenting who and in what form helped the initially very friendly Russian-American relationship to deteriorate to such an extent that it eventually led to a war, which primarily involved the Ukrainians and the Russians will be the losers, but apart from them, Europe will also be the loser, and it is good if this process stops at Europe's borders. The expansion of NATO was also opposed by the American president at the time, Bill Clinton, but in the end he could not resist the pressure on him from both sides of the political spectrum...

Stanley Kober of the conservative Cato Institute warned in the Institute's publication that the expansion of NATO would lead to a second Cold War. In 1999, the renowned American expert on Russia, George F. Kennan, Kennan, who devised the post-World War II strategy to contain the Soviet Union, believed, like most other American Russia experts, that NATO expansion would irreparably damage US efforts to transform Russia from an enemy to a partner.

In the 2000s, Russia tried to create a European security treaty that would have provided equal security to all parties, including Russia, and a fundamental part of which was to prevent NATO from expanding further to the east (at that time, many ex-socialist countries were already members of NATO) . The Americans rejected the initiative, and even in 2008, the Americans (and the Poles) proposed Ukraine's admission to NATO, which Angela Merkel vehemently opposed at the time, and two-thirds of the Ukrainians also rejected.

The Americans did not spare money and effort in order to create a pro-Western political leadership in Ukraine, this was what the "Orange Revolution" served. According to The Guardian, the US State Department, USAID, the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the Bilderberg Group, Freedom House and György Soros' Open Society Institute were behind this. They were the ones who organized, instigated and financed the groups participating in the "Orange Revolution", whose goal was to put the pro-Russian Yanukovych, but the Atlanticist Yushchenko, at the head of the government.

In 2010, Yanukovych won the elections again, but in 2014 he was overthrown again with a broad international effort. According to then and now US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, five billion dollars had already been spent to support "democratic" groups. After that, the Ukrainian government began to pursue a strong anti-Russian policy, which included forcible Ukrainization, the language law, which resulted in the secession of the eastern, Oroslakta counties, and finally turned into war.

In the nineties, Russia wanted to extend a friendly hand to the West, but this friendly hand was spit on. In the best case, the result will be a cold war lasting for decades, the main loser of which, along with the Russians and Ukrainians, will be Europe, whose incompetent and impotent leaders have exposed European interests to the ambitions of the American shell.

Source: Magyar Hírlap. The full article can be read here.