When the mother brings food to her child who lives far from the parental home, the child thanks her for it. This is one of the most beautiful moments, when the mother helps her child become a strong person who will carry on the existence of the family.

In the past 12 years, the Hungarian Government has also done this. The Baross Foundation, the Gábor Bethlen Fund, the State Secretariat for National Policy, other ministries, and countless other institutions directly and indirectly supported tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, children, and families from the Highlands, but I can easily write hundreds of thousands, since only the number of entrepreneurial grants exceeded the order of ten thousand and it is clear that not only individuals but also their families benefit from all these targeted subsidies, not to mention the countless cultural programs that have reached almost the entire Hungarian community in the highlands over the years.

On March 15, there will be a Peace March again, the purpose of which is to support the Hungarian Government. Because of the above, feverish organization has started in the Highlands as well, because it is fitting that we, the "children" of the Highlands living far from our parents' house in Trianon, should thank them.

The factions of our large, common political party, our national organizations, all invited the beneficiaries, the members of the parties and organizations, to participate together in the Budapest event. Farmers, vintners and small entrepreneurs put aside their work for the day and get on the buses departing from the settlements, where the leaders and members of the organizations that save Hungarian culture with cultural subsidies are waiting for them to support the Hungarian Government together.

The entire Upland marches in an organized manner, there are a lot of local names up high together with the village flags, which our mayors hold proudly, since they are also here, who were the engines and coordinators of our appearance in the entire Upland. Among all this, on a stretched molino, the country and the world can read: VIKTOR, THE UPLANDS ARE WITH YOU!

All this is "of course" just fiction, "horseshit mama!", to live with a classic.

I'm ashamed of myself, because everything we (don't) do here in the Highlands is a shame!

Anyway, Felvidék is really with you Viktor, he just can't get it... Well, yes, there are ungrateful children too...

Source and featured image: Sándor Papp/Felvidék.ma