According to János Árpád Potápi, participation in parliamentary elections and referendums is part of the year of the acting nation announced by the State Secretariat for National Policy of the Prime Minister's Office.
The State Secretary for National Policy spoke about this at his press conference in Sepsiszentgyörgy, Székelyföld. The Fidesz politician
asked Transylvanian Hungarians to cast their postal votes and fill out the identification form carefully so that the vote would be valid.
There is no such terrible difficulty in who to vote for, since the current left has clearly rejected the part of the nation that does not live within today's national borders. Moreover, he did it cynically, because he produced the leaflets and posters in Székelyudvarhely. In his rhetoric, he is in the state of December 5, 2004.
According to Potápi, the Hungarians abroad are members of our nation, members of the acting nation.
Source: PestiSrácok
Featured image: MTI