or transporting weapons (cf. killing the queen) you don't have to be afraid, it will be good if everyone agrees, I'm not against it. Archbishop János Merániai of Kalocsa XIII. his ambiguous dilemma of the 20th century could also be presented by Márki-Zay, but unfortunately he doesn't even have that much to eat, he prefers to talk back and forth, constantly exaggerating his camo role. This vehicle is quite life-threatening in wartime and not just by looking at it!

At a public forum on Thursday in Kiszombor, the candidate of the left argued again that our country should send weapons to Ukraine, because it would also protect the Hungarians there. Meanwhile, Péter Márki-Zay is trying to deny his pro-war statements, and even filed a complaint for incitement against the community, accusing the prime minister, Fidesz and part of the media. In order to provide accurate information, the Mediaworks News Center once again listed the statements made by the candidate of the left on the issue so far.

Although Péter Márki-Zay denies that he supplies weapons to Ukraine, he returns again and again to war rhetoric in his confusing statements. On Friday, he went so far as to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office on charges of spreading fear mongering and incitement against the community, because he believes that Viktor Orbán, Fidesz, "and his media" are spreading untruths and slandering the opposition, since their program states the exact opposite.

The latest action of the candidate of the left is also distasteful because he himself started the pro-war hysteria, when he said on several occasions that Hungary should deliver weapons to Ukraine, and if NATO so wishes, even Hungarian soldiers should be sent to war. Later, he tried to deny his statements and even accused the government baselessly of supplying weapons to Ukraine. But now, at a public forum on Thursday in Kiszombor, he confirmed again that, in his opinion, Hungary has an obligation to support Ukraine with weapons in the war.

So, yes, Ukraine is an independent state, and both Ukrainians and Hungarians living there have the right to defend themselves

said Péter Márki-Zay. He was completely confused by his next sentence , but that didn't stop him either and he continued his almost impossible train of thought. Specifically, he said: "And when Viktor Orbán would refuse the weapons, which he also supplies to them, but who says that they should not be supplied because they will be used against the Hungarians. Well, I'm sorry, I know that the Prime Minister doesn't understand the economy, but maybe it doesn't go beyond the logical level that Viktor Orbán should understand. So if we give weapons to the Hungarians and Ukrainians in Ukraine to protect themselves from the Russians, they will not be used against the Hungarians in Ukraine, but in their defense".

It is also clear from this latest statement that, while trying to deny and accuse, the left-wing prime minister's candidate stands for the delivery of arms to Ukraine, and would continue to plunge our country into war.

Source and full article: origo.hu

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