The task of the volunteers would be to protect public administration buildings and institutions, as well as to maintain public order.

Both women and men who have reached the age of 18 can apply to the local territorial defense squads in the Transcarpathian sub-regions. According to the information published on the community page of the Péterfalvai Kistérség, located near the Hungarian-Ukrainian border, the task is a

the protection of public administration buildings and institutions, as well as the maintenance of public order.

"In view of the state of war, the military administration calls for the formation of local territorial defense squads from the local residents in each micro-region, whose primary task will be the protection of administrative buildings and institutions and the maintenance of public order.

Men and women over the age of 18 can apply.

These squads must be established in every settlement of our sub-region. You can apply and request information at the mayor's office, and in our villages at the local mayors," the post reads.


Featured image: Kárpáthír