The Mission Service of the Hungarian Reformed Church encourages the congregations to have a weekly prayer meeting in connection with the war raging in Ukraine and those fleeing from it. The Hungarian congregations are asked to join in regular prayer and to sing the "hymn" of the Transcarpathian Reformed. Here is the full text of the call:

The words of Jesus Christ are still a living message for all of us today: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9)

Unbridled war violence and persecution are rampant in the neighboring Ukraine, and in addition to our Hungarian brothers fleeing from Subcarpathia, more and more Ukrainian, Ruthenian, and Russian-speaking refugees are arriving in our country. As people of faith, we often ask the question: "What can we do for peace?" Our confessional answer is that we believe that the God of Peace is able and ready to lead people to peace. And in this, as his disciples today, he wants to make us an active part! Therefore, we appeal to the congregations of the Hungarian Reformed Church to seek with one heart, in a praying community, the way of God's peace, turning to the Lord for all those who experience pain, loss, and persecution in the war situation. (see 1 Tim 2:1-2 and Rom 6:13)

We encourage the practice that has already started in several communities to organize prayer groups in our churches on a weekly basis, even in connection with a church occasion, until the end of the war.

where church members pray together for the peace of Transcarpathia, Ukraine and Russia! Our Transcarpathian Reformed brothers are now particularly exposed to great trials, either leaving their homes or staying in their homeland.

In 2009, the Hungarian Reformed churches of the Carpathian Basin confirmed their affiliation and declared their ecclesiastical constitutional unity. With our prayer communities, let us express the unity experienced in God that goes beyond human communion, which connects us with the Provident God and our brothers in Christ even in this historical situation that tests the body and soul!

To the regions stricken by the war, as to the entire created world, asking for peace from God, with brotherly love in Christ:

Synod councilor László András Gér, acting head of the Mission Service and Levente Zoltán Hajdú, deputy director general of the Mission Service.


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