Today is World Theater Day, for which many theaters are preparing with shows, unusual programs, backstage tours, and open rehearsals. On the occasion of the theater festival, the Sándor Hevesi Prize is awarded, and the international message of World Day is read before the performances.
World Theater Day has been held on March 27 since 1962, based on the decision of the General Assembly of the International Theater Institute (ITI), to commemorate the opening of the season of the Theater of Nations in Paris in 1957.
The purpose of the world day is to draw attention to the importance of theater art - and culture in a broader sense - to pay tribute to actors and theater workers, and to ask for the love and support of the audience.
The Sándor Hevesi Prize is awarded annually on the occasion of World Theater Day. Founded by the Hungarian Center of the International Theater Institute (ITI), the award is given every year to three artists and cultural mediators who have done a lot for the international recognition of Hungarian-language theater culture.
Among those proposed by theaters and theater organizations, a board of trustees consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Human Resources and the ITI Hungarian Center decides who will receive the recognition in a given year.
This year, the Sándor Hevesi Prize will be awarded to set, costume and visual designer Márton Ágh, opera singer Levente Molnár, and cultural mediator Ernő Tapasztó, member of the Aradi Chamber Theater troupe, actor, director, and director, the Hungarian Center of the ITI announced to MTI.
On the 60th World Theater Day, the World Day message will be read in theaters before the performances in Hungary as well. Every year, ITI invites a significant personality from the world of theater to formulate his message for the artists of the theater and the audience. This year, American director Peter Sellars was invited, and in his message he emphasizes, among other things:
"It is time to renew our minds, our senses, our imaginations, our ideas about our history and our future. People working alone, isolated from each other, cannot achieve this. The theater offers us the opportunity to work together."
On the occasion of World Day, many theaters prepare programs. The National Theater in Szeged, the State Hungarian Theater in Cluj and the Tamási Áron Theater in Sepsiszentgyörgy also organize behind-the-scenes tours, for example. 6SZÍN presents the monodrama When I Met Barisnyikov, the Gergely Csiky State Hungarian Theater in Timișoara presents the production Bánk, the Déryné Társulat the play Balkan Gerle, while the Szigliget Theater in Nagyvárad presents an open rehearsal of the play The Suicide.
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