He would flay Orbán alive, tie up Kövér, and kick conservative journalists in the head. He hates Zsolt Bayer from the bottom of his heart and is not proud of the Hungarian Nobel laureates, or even the Golden Team. This is Miklós Paizs, known as Sickratman.

Without grass, you wouldn't have art, you can't be proud of the Hungarian Nobel laureates or the Golden Team, and what's bad on earth right now is all done by men - Miklós Paizs, also known as Sickratman, who used to be Orbán, talked about these things on Alinda Veiszer's show, among other things He called for Viktor to be flayed alive, László Kövér tied to a lamppost, István Lovas disembowelled, and Hungarian National employees kicked in the head. The artist of the left said: he hates Zsolt Bayer from the bottom of his heart.

"I can't be proud of the Hungarian Nobel laureates or the Golden Team, because I have nothing to do with them," Miklós Paizs, also known as Sickratman, said on Alinda Veiszer's show. According to the left-wing artist, humanity will perish in egocentrism, "if we fail to rediscover the tribal feeling, not the national one, because only language connects us". The name of the performer, actor, and lyricist may be familiar to our readers because he previously called for Viktor Orbán to be skinned alive, László Kövér to be tied to a lamppost, István Lovas to be disembowelled, and the employees of the Magyar Nemzet to be kicked in the head.

Later, the Investigation Department of the Budapest Police Headquarters initiated proceedings against him for incitement against the community. The left-wing artist then also released his own composition entitled Stupid Hungarians.

"Current Hungarians have no reason to be proud, we have the most unlikeable leader, who is always chosen by those close to us"

- continues Sickratman, who with these statements intentionally wants to hurt the national consciousness of others, because

according to him, most of our history is not a reason to be proud, because it is full of cowardice, scheming, and dissociation.

Paizs believes that Hungarian society "lives in a mass of lies", which also stems from our view of history. For example, there is no consensus on the 1956 revolution or the 1848-49 war of independence.

He cannot create without grass

Sickratman now talked about how he doesn't like theater that doesn't want to make political statements or ask questions. He's still playing in plays that do that,

one, for example, dissects the exchange of gender roles.

In this regard, Paizs states that his vision of the future is matriarchy, i.e. a society with mother's rights: "I want a matriarchy as quickly as possible, because everything that is bad on earth right now is done by men. Let it be over and done with. We don't need an army, we need sensible leaders who don't allow men to go to war. I don't know if this should be legal, that x percent of the male population always goes into some kind of grind, and they are ruined emotionally, obviously the families too."

Paizs then talks about his relationship with drugs.

He tells us that a few years ago, at the initiative of former opposition politician Péter Juhász, he reported himself as a marijuana user. They hoped from the action that tens of thousands would do the same, which would cause the system to collapse, because the police would not have the capacity to prosecute so many people. In the end, not much came of it. Police otherwise rejected Paizs' self-report, saying he was uncooperative, which meant he refused to name who he was getting the drugs from.

Paizs openly says that he cannot create without marijuana.

"I wouldn't have art if it weren't for grass. I'm sorry. I can function as a creator by using weed, because in my first band it was a very basic thing. […] Later it turned out that I was not able to describe a single word clearly.” He puts it this way: he has to get himself into a state, because he can only realize what he wants to describe.

He hates Zsolt Bayer from the bottom of his heart

He told me that at the beginning of the 2000s, there was a radio program on the public media, to which he lent his voice. He appeared in the cast under a pseudonym because, according to him, he was considered an undesirable person. It happened that during the production of the program Viktor Orbán or Ferenc Gyurcsány came across him in the corridor of the radio station.

Veiszer asks why he didn't tell them when he had the chance.

To this, Paizs says that personal provocation is difficult for him, and on the other hand, he also feels sorry for politicians, even if he is otherwise angry with them. "They pay a very high price mentally for what they do." There are a couple of public figures whom he "hate from the bottom of his heart" because they "act toxic". Zsolt Bayer, for example, considers him to be such a figure. According to him, Zsolt Semjén is also harmful, but the KDNP deputy prime minister is at least funny.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Miklós Paizs, also known as Sickratman (Photo: Gábor Szabó/Origó)