Today we did it and wrote on the sky with the light of our bonfire the common will that we believe in, that we want together, and that we know that no matter how the grinding wheel of time chews, no one can take away the autonomy of Székelyföld!

It gives me great pleasure, and I believe that it is welcome news for all of us, that my post published on Facebook with the text below reached the president of the Székely National Council, Balázs Izsák, and he also liked the pictorial report!

According to them, they not only know about us, and we are not only on the list of who they can count on, but they also like what we do and how we do it!

"Today was a long, tiring, but uplifting day, in which we were able to support the wishes of our Székely national brothers!

Thanks to all the helpers who 'just' added a few sticks of wood to our fire, and also to those who supported us with any deed, words, or will, and stood by our common cause!

When the souls connect in the flickering light of the fire, and a shower of sparks shouts that we want one, then there is only joy and endless happiness and the fatigue disappears, during which you tried to fix everything so that the holiday was beautiful and round. The stomach cramps due to expectations don't matter, only the smile that reflects the soul of the people, and the encouragement of their joy that gives hope for continuation comes through your aching limbs, and everything smooths out and infinite strength flows from the knowledge that it was worth putting yourself out there, and there will be, there must be a continuation!

Today we did it and wrote on the sky with the light of our bonfire the common will that we believe in, that we want together, and that we know that no matter how the grinding wheel of time chews, no one can take away the autonomy of Székelyföld!

May the power of our flame and our common prayer help you!

Autonomy for Székelyföld!"

Thanks again to our friend Laci Vass for the initiative and for the implementation. He collected suitable wood almost all year round, which he and his friends, István Gulyás, Zsolt Krajnyák, Dr. Miklós Hinfner from Budapest, and Gyula Struhács assembled into a neat bonfire. Of course, on the morning of the 30th, Laci cleaned up the remains as usual.

Thanks also go to Katalin Ferenczyné Lendeczky for the short but meaningful memorial and Lászlóné Dudás for the Székely Prayer.

Father Ferenc Juhász recalled the 2005 vote, during which, as a result of the then prime minister Gyurcsány's successful campaign, the motherland did not agree to share a common destiny with our brothers and sisters who were torn apart by the will of foreign powers. Our prayer for the autonomy of the Szeklers was also a confession of faith that "we are of the same blood". Our thanks to Father Ferenc Juhász.

Finally, thank you to everyone who came to our commemoration.

István László Vass