Presumably, the inscriptions were placed because of the day of mourning on November 4.

At dawn on November 4, 1956, the Soviet attack began throughout the country. The day has become a national day of mourning in Hungary, when we remember the martyrs of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle.

Presumably because of this, unknown people foiled the grave of the former MSZMP general secretary János Kádár and Antal Apró, the grandfather of the shadow prime minister of the Republic of Denmark Klára Dobrev, Gulyáságyú Media .

Based on the pictures published by the newspaper, the name of János Kádár was covered with red foil on the grave in the labor movement pantheon of the Fiumei út cemetery and replaced with the inscription "executioner".

Antal Apró's name was overwritten with the message "pribék" on the grave in the Farkasrét cemetery. Although he was given a role in Imre Nagy's national government established on October 27, he left it on November 4 and joined János Kádár, and then personally supervised the conceptual trial of Imre Nagy and his fellow martyrs, the paper reminded.

The tombstone of former first secretary Ernő Gerő is also in the Farkasrét cemetery, with the inscription "executioner's assistant".

Featured image: The plastered graves of communist leaders on November 4, 2023. Photos: from the Gulyáságyú Media reader.