According to the relevant chapters of medical textbooks, there are few symptoms that frighten a person more than abnormal bleeding. For this reason, in such cases, the person usually consults a doctor, and the necessary examination can begin. However, we also see countless cases where contact is not made due to the temporary – as this is sometimes the case, passing complaint – and thus the diagnosis is delayed – unfortunately more than once causing tragedy.

Abnormal gynecological bleeding, bleeding of urological origin, spitting up of blood should all be investigated, s

it is not worth delaying the visit to the doctor, because these symptoms may be caused by temporary, sometimes banal causes, but in a significant part of the cases, they are caused by malignant neoplasms.

The same is true for gastrointestinal bleeding - in medical terms, gastrointestinal bleeding.

The appearance of blood in the stool can be, for example, a recurring sign of regular hemorrhoids, but it can also indicate colon cancer. In fact, of course, two diseases can occur together, so we can't solve it with a wave of the hand, saying that the hemorrhoids are defiant again, and the usual problem is probably the cause of the symptom.

And the situation is complicated by the fact that, while in the above cases the bleeding is usually visible to the naked eye, this is not the case in the case of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is a misconception that bleeding is always visible!

Three types of bleeding

With a medical eye, we can distinguish three types of bleeding. massive bleeding when the visible bleeding also manifests itself in clinical symptoms, and in this case, by definition, urgent medical care is required. Manifest bleeding is blood loss that is visible but does not require emergency care, and here too the person usually consults a doctor. Although everyone has the sad experience of patients with gynecological, urological or colon tumors who have been bleeding for months - and have not consulted a doctor before...

includes hidden, invisible, so-called occult bleeding The fact that the blood from the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, horseshoe intestine) is being digested complicates the matter, and only the black color of the feces indicates its presence . And of course, the laboratory test is the so-called Weber test , during which (in addition to visible blood) both hidden and digested blood can be detected.

Carrying out this at regular intervals, in the form of a screening test, helps to detect many diseases.

The test is specific for human blood, so food does not affect it. Due to the intermittent emptying of the blood, it is recommended to take samples three times, three consecutive days. Our family doctor will help with this, but it is also worth knowing that the National Center for Public Health provides the opportunity for such an examination as part of the colon cancer screening program, and provides the unit package necessary for sampling. (Details are available on the website: )

It is also worth knowing that not only the positivity of the Weber test can indicate the existence of gastrointestinal bleeding, but also chronic, occult,

intermittent bleeding can be a sign of iron deficiency found during laboratory tests, or pre-existing iron deficiency anemia.

In the case of men and menopausal women, iron deficiency (in the case of non-menopausal women, significant iron deficiency anemia) should raise the possibility of bleeding from the gastrointestinal system, and in such cases an endoscopic examination is mandatory.

Medical conditions that can all cause gastrointestinal bleeding

At the same time, Weber positivity or iron deficiency alone does not mean that a patient has a malignant tumor disease. Without claiming to be exhaustive, here are some medical conditions that can all cause gastrointestinal bleeding. Ulcer diseases (gastric and duodenal ulcers), reflux disease, varicose veins of the esophagus, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, inflammatory bowel diseases, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, various polyps, vascular diseases of the intestines, injuries caused by foreign bodies, chronic diarrhea are or may be associated with this. associated conditions.

So you don't have to think the worst right away, but you have to start investigating.

In summary, we can say that all gastrointestinal bleeding should be taken very seriously, a screening test should be used to look for traces of bleeding that are not visible to the naked eye, and in all such cases, an endoscopic examination of the stomach and colon should be performed. In this way, not only can you get an early diagnosis, but you can also find those lesions in time, which can be removed immediately to prevent the development of stomach or colon cancer.

Author: Dr. György Temesszentandrasi

Cover image: Illustration / Darko Djurin / Pixabay