The President of the Republic of Poland spoke harshly in an interview with the leading bureaucrats of the European Union.

The problem must be prevented, not its consequences dealt with

Parliamentary elections will be held in Poland on October 15, and in connection with this, the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda told the Polsat News television channel that he hopes that the new government formed after the elections will be a government that above all respects the interests of Poland and the Poles, because this duty of the Polish government - observed .

"For all those who believe that the consequences of a problem should be solved, rather than preventing a problem, I hope that the situation that has developed in the Middle East since yesterday will be an important, sobering element. If the next phase of migration to Europe starts, it must take into account what we have been saying from the beginning, that European obligations must be taken seriously, that the borders of the EU and the Schengen area must be protected, that extra support must be provided where there is conflict, and help where help is needed"

said the head of state. Duda indicated that Poland does not agree with the forced relocation of migrants, any quota system, and any sanctions related to the distribution of migrants in Europe.

Solidarity is just a fairy tale

The president also reminded that when the war broke out in Ukraine and Ukrainians fleeing to Poland arrived, the Polish government did not receive support from the European Union. He now has no doubt that the tales of European solidarity are just fairy tales told to us in the European institutions, he declared. As he put it:

Considering what I have heard from European leaders in recent years, especially when migration pressure was high, in 2015, 2016, when we strongly defended our security and rejected the resettlement that the previous left-wing government had previously agreed to ( ...), then no one looked at where these people wanted to go. They told us: accept it, we are not interested in the rest, let these people stay with you, stay in Poland.

Duda recalled that he had already asked Brussels the question: what should Poland do with those who do not want to stay in Poland? Should they be locked up?

“Well, detaining them against their will is undoubtedly a violation of their rights. If we treat them the way they should, i.e. they remain free people, they can go where they want, then most of them will immediately head for Western Europe, because Western Europe was their destination, not Poland. And we immediately come into conflict with the Western European countries that close the borders"

- explained the head of state , who reminded that the last element of the migration and asylum pact was recently accepted in Brussels, at the meeting of the EU ambassadors of the member states. Poland and Hungary opposed it. He stayed in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria.

It is a so-called emergency decree. The decision paves the way for the start of negotiations with the European Parliament on the final form of the new rules. Poland has opposed the provisions of the Asylum and Migration Pact from the beginning. Warsaw considers the de facto mandatory solidarity based only on resettlement, as well as the financial sanctions that can be imposed in case of non-acceptance of migrants, to be completely inappropriate.


Cover image: Illustration - MTI/EPA/PAP/Pawel Supernak