From the very beginning, the left has had the citizenship and voting rights of foreigners in its pocket - Pál Zsigmond Barna stated in his article published on Mandiner, in which the Fidesz parliamentarian explained that the discarded mail ballots found in Transylvania are apparently not original and presumably the result of an unscrupulous left-wing party. action is behind the scandal.

The politician pointed out that the leftists know that the Hungarian people do not support them, do not support lies and reckless talk, incitement to war, endangering the country's physical and economic security. Therefore, the Gyurcsánys chose the strategy of trying to discredit the results of the election in cooperation with their foreign partners.

They gossip, accuse, cheat, mischief and provoke. While they are carrying out the biggest election fraud in Hungarian history, using illegal databases, now Hungarians across the border and their votes are once again in the crossfire of attacks. Pál Zsigmond Barna asserted that the left has had the citizenship and voting rights of foreigners in its pocket since the beginning.

We cannot forget December 5, 2004, the most serious treason in modern Hungarian history. Even then, even now, Ferenc Gyurcsány is the strategist, the master of ceremonies. The others follow his instructions 100 percent, create the mood and incite tension. Now, after last week's mood-raising in Vojvodina, a diversion was organized in Marosvásárhely - he analyzed the left-wing's strategy, and then highlighted that some half-burnt Hungarian ballot papers and envelopes thrown by the roadside were found on the border of Jedd, a village in Maros county, where the Transylvanian left-wing party the most active provocateur in the universe, the Transylvanian journalist Parászka Boróka, who hatefully criticizes the current Hungarian government, is alive, she was the first to report on what she saw there, also emphasizing that the matter does not directly affect her, because she is of course not a Hungarian citizen as a progressive.

Please, let no one fall for the left-wing sentiment, and let our brothers across the border not feel insecure about the new attacks on them.

Such unprincipled attacks only confirm: Sunday will be a decisive vote that will determine the fate of the nation for a long time. If we are determined and united, and we all go to vote, we have a chance to vote Gyurcsány's non-nationalist left out of politics once and for all. The Hungarian nation deserves a much better opposition than them. Every vote counts, because Hungary is moving forward, not backward! Pál Zsigmond Barna concluded his thoughts.


Source: PestiSrácok/Mandiner;

Featured image: Pest Boys