According to the English newspaper, Hungarian voters must be made aware of the principles of the rule of law. In an editorial, The Times of England called on the European Union to take stricter action against the Hungarian government led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to withdraw EU funds.

According to the paper, there should be consequences if an EU member state "disregards democratic norms and obstructs the EU's unified action against Russian aggression against Ukraine."

The newspaper writes that the EU must give a tough answer to the challenge represented by Viktor Orbán, and they added: they think it is particularly worrying for Western leaders that, meanwhile, the right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who congratulated Orbán on his election victory, is starting to bring in Emmanuel Macron, according to surveys his disadvantage against the president, since his possible victory and the formation of a right-wing axis within Europe would mean a triumph for Russian President Vladimir Putin and would lead to a "political earthquake".

According to The Times, Hungarian voters should also be aware that "the family of democracies can only belong to countries that respect the principles of the rule of law, and that there is no place for scumbags in the fight against tyrants."

Source: Mandarin

2022 plus:

Between you! - as they say in the plague. On what basis does the newspaper demand EU intervention in our country, since the English have nothing to do with the union anymore. Not to mention that, according to the English paper, Hungarian voters must be made aware of the principles of the rule of law. In Hungarian, after the election result was not to the taste of the Times, Hungarian voters are living in the dark. This goes some way towards explaining the disgraced left-liberal leading politicians. But I could ask why the Times is worried that, as they write, the right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is starting to bring in her disadvantage against President Emmanuel Macron, according to the polls. You shouldn't be afraid, because normal thinking people decide that enough of this violent and thoughtless tyrannical policy is enough. Of course, the screaming minority doesn't like it, and neither does the Times. But if it has already turned out like this, and we are telling the paper that, they should sweep the island country in their editorials.