Flick. We couldn't get through Christmas without a Márki-Zay brainstorm!

One almost admires this man, how he can produce new and new mental problems every week! This time, his new communications adviser, András Simon, an "independent" from the ATV, could have told him to at least not endorse the measures supported by the overwhelming majority of people - so he indulged in false populism! According to his recent fever dream, Fidesz will "disrupt Spar, Lidl and Tesco" next year.

All this, of course, due to the fact that in the future the government would collect pre-expired products so that they could then be delivered to those in need. Well, nana! These multis would obviously leave the multi-billion dollar profit and the established market here because of the product with an expiring warranty - which they should destroy anyway - and the Orbáns would "produce" a few tens of thousands of unemployed people! Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? And this man is an economist by education! As well as a candidate for prime minister.

Source: Dániel Galsai magyarhirlap.hu