Thanks to the Hungarian people for unwaveringly and undeterredly voting for the continuation of national governance, freedom and self-determination, and rejecting neoliberal totalitarianism, despite the heaviest Western attacks and the most intensive attempts at influence.

The significance of the Hungarian election result goes far beyond the borders of Hungary, as it is also a rejection of the globalization that many Western politicians still strive for in the sense of the "Great Reset" concept, and the creation of a unipolar world order. A just and freedom-based world order can exist only on the basis of mutual understanding and respect for the right to self-determination and culture, historical development and traditions of peoples, as well as the sovereignty of states and respectful interactions. In this, not only geographical, but especially cultural values, such as fundamental rights and freedoms, Christianity and the social model based on the family, must be taken into account and preserved. Hungary protects these values ​​in accordance with its centuries-old traditions. Exactly 800 years ago, barely 7 years after the English Magna Charta Libertatum, he proclaimed the first continental European constitution, in which fundamental rights and freedoms are already recorded, followed by the first European laws on autonomy, religious freedom, national rights and the protection of minorities. The Hungarian revolution of 1956 initiated the end of the communist dictatorship and the Soviet rule, thereby creating the precondition for the reunification of Europe. The Hungarian revolution, which was a struggle for self-determination, triggered the debate on self-determination in the UN, as a result of which, just 10 years later, in 1966, the UN recorded the peoples in Article 1 of the two human rights pacts

its right to self-determination as a written and binding international norm.

According to this right, peoples can freely define their political system and freely ensure their economic, social and cultural development. Today, these freedoms are under increasing threat under Anglo-American influence, especially in the European Union. Hungary resists these attempts to influence and limit sovereignty, which leads to a conflict with the European Union, which tries to justify the attacks with the pretended and false justification that democracy and the rule of law are in danger in Hungary.

Source: Facebook/NIF

Source: Facebook/NIF

On the contrary:

Hungary's rule of law, democracy, and freedom are threatened not by the Hungarian government, but by the European Union, which is turning into a dictatorship.

With a sense of historic mission, Hungary once again fulfills its task and duty to defend freedom and justice against arbitrariness and dictatorship, as well as freedom and independence against hegemonic geopolitical demands. The Hungarian people gave an overwhelming response to this. In this way, he is not only a role model in Europe, but also a pioneer of a future in freedom and peace. Thanks to all Hungarians!

Source: Dr. Eva Maria Barki, Vienna

Featured image: MTI