The Transylvanian Congregation will once again organize a meeting of Transylvanian Hungarians in Budapest, on the Island of Hope, on May 1st. The cultural festival, which has become a tradition in the last two decades, was canceled twice due to the epidemic restrictions. The main theme of the event this time will be the relationship between the Wesselényi family and Transylvania.

The topics of the meeting of Transylvanian Hungarians are primarily about Hungarian renewal, examining the Wesselényi family's interpretation of home and nation, as well as the most important reform measures of the "flood boat". The large-scale event begins at 10 a.m. with a communion service. Pastor István Fazekas, head of the institute, will preach, and he said that community, praying together, goodwill towards each other, and the joy of meeting are necessary in order for us to recognize the benefits of Christ in our Hungarian society.

After the service, retired Reformed minister Boáz Kis, executive president of the Hungarian National College Collegium, will open the exhibition entitled Transylvanian Coats of Arms by L. Dániel Pécsi. After lunch, several lectures will be given on the open-air main stage about the two Wesselényis, as well as the friendship between count István Széchenyi and baron Miklós Wesselényi, and then the participants of the meeting will be able to get to know the members of the Széchenyi family living in Hungary. Afterwards, an informal conversation about the logic of patriotism and heroism begins with Kossuth Prize-winning actor Gábor Koncz. From 5:00 p.m., Áron Varga will perform an organ concert entitled "Prayers of Franz Liszt" in the Reformed church, and from 6:00 p.m., Reformed pastor László Forró, chief clerk of the Királyhágómellék Reformed Church District, and Roman Catholic parish priest Mátyás Illéssy will hold an ecumenical devotion at the recently erected cross in the main square.

Folk musicians belonging to the congregation, as well as lutenist István Szabó and vocal artist András Szabó, will also participate in the meeting. In addition to joint singing lessons and competitions, there will also be separate game programs for children.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Gergely Handó