The Hungarian Minister of Justice commemorated Europe Day on his social media page. In his post he writes:

"Today we celebrate Europe Day, which is also an opportunity to give an account of our vision for the future of Europe. Hungary took the conference on this matter seriously, as our country was one of the first to formulate the seven points on the future of our continent , while we were the most active members of the dialogue with more than 800 events.

However, at the EU level , the conference was a failure: the EP used the event for its own petty political purposes , in the framework of which it made recommendations that ignore the interests of the nation-state - just think of the introduction of the transnational list or the abolition of unanimous decision-making.

Europe has been in decline for a long time. And while it faces challenges such as migration, pandemics or war, some would still deepen the Union along the lines of power and ideological interests.

We cannot allow this! We, Hungarians, continue to fight against federation aspirations for a Europe of mutually respectful nations!"

2022plus: A sad fact - although we thought quite differently before joining the European Union -. that Europe is racing towards self-liquidation at an ever-accelerating pace, and by now there are hardly any countries left that would, figuratively speaking, step on the brakes. Our country is one of these few, but the big question is whether we can stop our common "vehicle" before it falls into the abyss. Hopefully so, but it is quite certain that the refrain of Károly Lovászy's hit perfectly expresses our feelings in this case: "My mother, I didn't want such a horse".

Source and title image: Facebook