"Keep your friends close. Your enemies even closer.”

Ursula von der Leyen paid a surprise visit to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on May 9.

We must acknowledge - we can see - that democracy is a constantly changing entity. Of course, the direction of "development" is determined by a certain circle, and not the number one stakeholder of democracy, the God-given people.

We are witnessing the literal disintegration of democracy. There is a palpable separation of the two constituent words of democracy in the Western world. The division of "demos" ("people") and "kratos" ("power") that can now be felt at our fingertips, what's more, their complete independence from each other and the even more complete lack of passage is indisputable.

The cornerstone of original and unadulterated democracy is Roman law, the rule of law. Its biggest enemy is the double standard, the most complete mockery of the law's function of justice and social balance maintenance, and what's more, the practice of including illegalities in a "legal" framework has become commonplace. All of this happens in such a way that only "kratos" exercises power over the "demos" who are excluded from the divided democracy as mentioned above, and represents itself quasi-self, of course with stronger and stronger reference to the interests of society as a whole.

We went with democracy as we could hear in the old Hofi song: the "i" was lost from the truth.

The next world war is upon us. Common sense would demand that we tighten tooth and nail the cooperation of European countries within the framework of the classical concept of democracy. Instead, we continue on the Leninist path of empire building. The next task is to dismantle the institution of the member state veto.

The goal is not to solve the given problem. The given problem is being used for the purpose.

The fact that the EU bureaucrats are fighting to save the union with a bunch of moral and economic nonsense is no longer noticeable to anyone. This administration is like cancer cell proliferation. In order to protect themselves, they destroy everything in their environment that could ensure their survival. They would now like to accelerate this self-destruction - if this is still possible - with another attempt to amputate the rights of self-determination.

But there is a thorn under my nail! It is tucked away in the Carmelite Monastery. So we have to fly to Budapest in person so that we can examine up close which direction would be the most effective way to get rid of this stubborn thorn. So far, the more he poked, the deeper he dug himself. It has now reached the point where it hurts so much that every movement causes a loud hiss.

The president personally followed up on the delicate situation.
He performed the examination with a broad smile on his face. He scanned the cause of the pain, stored the experiences and left with the same blank, practiced expression as he had arrived. We can be sure that you will feel closer to the solution than when you arrived here. We can also be sure that there is no reason for this.

The spike under my nail didn't move.

At the same time, be careful because there is always a gap in the wall.
The empire does not tolerate genders. Not forever. The masters of loopholes keep drilling and carving until they prepare a suitable solution "for everyone", where the sovereign survival of all nations can be fully realized even without the right of veto. How does this sentence make you limp? Let's not forget: in certain circles, the absence of logic is a basic requirement.

has no reality for the time being based on the current basic contracts However, I think that the events of the past two years have taught us how much the goal can justify the means. Extraordinary situations are capable of miracles. We have recently survived countless unimaginable events that even 6-7 years ago we would have classified as impossible without thinking. From the influx of migrants to the birth of men to a war breaking out in Europe and threatening it in its very existence. I'm afraid that there are still many surprises waiting for us that still seem unimaginable today.

Let's trust that the spike will be able to stay in place. According to his own testimony, he works better the greater the pressure on him.

Photo: Francois Walschaerts/AFP via Getty Images