The blog of former indexers reported on a meeting in early January, where Ferenc Gyurcsány came down very hard on Gergely Karácsony because of Péter Márki-Zay. It was previously revealed that everything on the left is decided by the leader of the DK.  

On January 3 this year, Budapest XI. the leaders of the six opposition parties gathered in the Villányi út. office of the MSZP. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the problems facing them, including the fact that their relationship with Márki-Zay was getting worse.

Mayor Gergely Karácsony brought up the problems and started talking about how things are going in the wrong direction.

"Shit, Gergő, you brought this man on our necks, it's your responsibility" - according to one of the participants, Ferenc Gyurcsány said these words to Karácsony - wrote the blog of the former indexers.

The president of the DK hinted that the mayor's resignation made possible the primary election victory of Márki-Zay, who is becoming more and more independent. Although others joined the debate, it was basically between Gyurcsány and Karácsony. "Everything came out of Feri then," said one of the participants.

During the election campaign, the left-wing party presidents had an internal correspondence interface. - writes Telex. On April 4, in the Signal group called "Presidents" received a notification that

"Ferenc Gyurcsány removed you from this group."

2022Plusz: This also shows the boss on the left and the great cohesion and solidarity that holds them together. "Brother, help the downtrodden", they could say to poor Attila József (who couldn't help but feel sorry for getting mixed up among the Komcs in a moment of weakness.)


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