The vice president of human resources at American Meta Platforms has told employees that it is forbidden to talk about abortion on the company's internal communication application, Workplace.

The rule, which is part of the company's internal respectful communication guidelines — introduced by Meta (Facebook's new name) in 2019 but not made public until now — prohibits employees from discussing the rightness or wrongness of abortion, the availability or rights of abortion, and to talk about the political, religious and humanitarian views on the subject - reported the Verge, a news site dealing with technological and scientific topics, .

After a draft decision of the US Supreme Court was leaked in recent weeks, according to which the body acting as a constitutional court would overturn the 1973 ruling legalizing induced abortion, some employees called on the management to cancel the policy. They argue that the ban conflicts with employees being able to "respectfully" speak about other divisive topics such as Black Lives Matter, immigration and transgender rights.

But at a staff meeting last week, Meta's vice president of human resources, Janelle Gale, said that wasn't possible, since abortion is the most divisive topic and still gets the most complaints from employees.

He said that even if people try to respectfully communicate their opinions on abortion, others may still feel that they are being attacked because of their gender or religion, according to the audio recording obtained by The Verge.


Photo: Facebook