On May 28, 2022, thanks to CÖF-CÖKA, another 80 automatic canners and another 10 drying machines were added to more than 40 member associations with large families. The handover will take place in a ceremonial setting at the XVI. in the community center of the District Large Family Association.

In recent years, the National Association of Large Families (NOE) has been enriched with more than 100 automatic canners, which were given to their local organizations with the aim of processing the fruits and vegetables they produce locally, thereby encouraging them to garden and conserve. Building on this initiative, NOE dreamed up its program called "Tastes of love", the aim of which is to make the products processed with the help of canning machines reach families who, living in big cities, have much more difficulty getting preserves and pickles. At last year's event, thanks to the donations, they were able to distribute more than 1,200 bottles of "love" to these families. They hope that thanks to CÖF-CÖKA's new offer at the late autumn event this year, this number will only increase.

In the photo (from left to right) Kristóf Szathmáry, Norbert Heizler, Simon Mariann, Katalin Kardosné Gyurkó and Péter Kovács

Katalin Kardosné Gyurkó , president of NOE, Norbert Heizler of CÖF-CÖKA, Kristóf Szatmáry, member of parliament, Péter Kovács , Budapest XVI. the mayor of the district and Simon Mariann of the XVI. Head of the District Large Family Association.

"You are rich if you know what you eat. You know the garden, the fruit tree, the bush where it comes from, you know the hands that worked with it, you know who did what, when, and you know the recipe." Katalin Kardosné Gyurkó began her greeting . He emphasized the importance of using what we have, since homemade syrups, jams and other delicacies are outstanding both in terms of taste and health. He emphasized that we can no longer talk about a simple program, but in terms of its dimensions, we can now talk about a movement, since almost 200 machines were distributed within the framework of the NOE alone. He thanked the management of CÖF-CÖKA for all of this.

Norbert Heizler briefly explained the history of the program, with which they also set themselves community-building goals. He also asked those present to apply creative and charitable aspects when using the devices. He said that they created a recipe collection, which includes recipes that can be made from fresh, locally grown ingredients in the current season. He offered the publication as a gift with every device.

The canning machines were handed over by Norbert Heizler, the national coordinator of the CÖF

Kristóf Szatmáry emphasized how happy he is that the XVI. district can host such a large-scale national program, which is a real garden city, where urban and rural life meet. He emphasized how important it is to live in symbiosis with nature, and canning is one of its essences.

"The heart and soul of the product is not the device, not the earth, but the person, the community." Péter Kovács said in his greeting . He added that he looks back with a grateful heart on the XVI. for the Family-Friendly Self-Government Award donated to the district municipality and is very happy that the district's large family association is participating in such a prominent program.

Simon Mariann expressed his joy that the bottling machines can start their journey from them, and offered their help in organizing the "Tastes of Love" program, which will be held for the third time this fall.

Source and images: NOE