"In Europe, we are one of the last guardians of the Christian and democratic system formulated by the founding fathers of the union, this is our important task, and it is also the last chance for Europe not to forget its roots and to find its way back to them," declared István Simicskó, KDNP faction leader, in the In an interview with Magyar Hírlap.

He explained: "Christian democracy is present as a basis in the formation of the government structure, our most important task is to provide reliable and predictable development to the Hungarian people.

We must strive to continue to build a work-based society where the honor of work is unquestionable, and we also provide as much help as possible to families as the most important building blocks of society."

The leader of the faction called the most important task of the government at the moment to ensure that Hungary stays out of the war in Ukraine. He emphasized that the government has already taken the first steps to protect the country from the adverse consequences of the conflict. He put it like this:

"The adverse effects of the world economy had already felt their effect in the form of inflation throughout Europe, but this was amplified by the armed conflict. We set out to protect Hungarians from the adverse consequences (gasoline price freeze, interest rate freeze, food price freeze), but now, as a result of Brussels' sanctions policy, the prospect of a brutal energy price explosion is rushing towards us at dizzying speed."

In this regard, he stated: due to its geographical location, Hungary is much more dependent on Russian imports than many Western states, therefore

 "now we have to be very sane to only support sanctions that don't destroy our increasingly well-functioning economy".

Regarding the governmental representation of education, health and environmental protection, István Simicskó said, "we can be sure that qualified professionals will deal with the mentioned areas and elaborate plans are available to take further steps".

Source and image: vasarnap.hu