The fact that Hungarians have survived the last hundred years shows that they are strong, invincible, indestructible and indestructible - said László Kövér, the Speaker of the Parliament, in an interview broadcast on Hír TV on Saturday, the day of national unity.

László Kövér put it this way: if we have endured the past thousand years in this corner of the world, then there is hope that we will endure the next thousand years as well. He pointed out: compared to twenty or thirty years ago, we are more organized, more cohesive and in better condition.

This basically depends on the mother country - emphasized the President of the Parliament.

According to him, as long as the motherland is economically and politically strong, including the authority it has gained in international politics, the Hungarian communities abroad can be strong as well.

The Speaker of the House considered it important that the governing parties do everything in the next four years to ensure that Hungary remains a stable, safe and predictable place, and that the Hungarian communities abroad can rightly expect help from it.

László Kövér put it this way: the Hungarian is the one who can pass on his own national identity, cultural roots, language, respectful attitude towards history and ancestors to his children and grandchildren.

The President of the National Assembly recalled that last year 2022 was announced as the year of the acting nation, but at that time they had no idea that it would take on a completely different meaning with the outbreak of war.

When they talk about a nation in action, they see a nation in action that, leaving behind the problems caused by the coronavirus epidemic, moved as one person to try to help the Hungarians and Ukrainians of Transcarpathia. The President of the Parliament called the unity that characterizes the Hungarian communities moving.

More than one billion forints was collected - he continued, indicating that he rather emphasizes the moral value of this donation. He emphasized: Transcarpathian Hungarians are not only beneficiaries of the national unity, but also mediators of the Hungarian nation's help to the Ukrainian people.

At the same time, the opposition does not want to be a part of national unity - he pointed out, adding: the Hungarian left cannot hide from its own skin, cannot deny itself, internationalist reflexes appear again and again, which do not allow them to be part of the acting nation .

However, he would not attach much importance to this, he said, noting that the undeserved criticism of the assistance was wasted.

Regarding how long the issue of national minority rights can be put aside, he said: it cannot be put aside spiritually, but politically yes. Now is not the time to start arguing with the official Ukrainian policy on this topic, even if they wanted to, they would fall on deaf ears, and the war would also provide justification for the Ukrainian side, he explained.

László Kövér confirmed: Hungary considers the denial of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity unacceptable.

Hungary is interested in a strong, democratic state of law on the territory of Ukraine, in the construction of a state of law and democracy that is able to guarantee not only the safety of its citizens, including national minorities, but also their prosperity in the homeland, he added.

Regarding the future of Transcarpathian Hungarians, he saw that there is cause for concern, until now it was considered the Hungarian community living in the most difficult conditions, now there is a danger that the war and its consequences will turn their lives upside down. As an example, he mentioned that refugees may not be able to return to their homeland.

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