Fidesz-KDNP parliamentarian Bence Rétvári reacted in a Facebook post to the disgusting post that the Hungarian-phobic, Christian-hating DK Niedermüller allowed himself on the nation's day of mourning, the 102nd anniversary of the Trianon Dictator. 

"Péter Niedermüller is the intellectual leader of the "Hungarophobic and Christian-hating section" of the DK. He tries to take advantage of every national and church holiday to say how much he despises Christians and Hungarians, how much he considers them to be inferior "terrifying formations".

The one who hurts Trianon is a Hungarian. Péter Niedermüller is the one who is happy about Trianon. He was able to describe that the Hungarians across the border were better off by being a minority and often oppressed in the last century. It is outrageous that, according to DK's Péter Niedermüller, the Hungarians across the border did well with the tragedy of Trianon. Do you think the families that were torn apart by Trianon are lucky? Do you think that those Hungarians across the border, who as a minority could not even use their mother tongue everywhere, live better?

According to Péter Niedermüller, it is better for Hungarians to live under the rule of another state than in their own country. According to him, the worst place for Hungarians is their country. On his part, these are racist statements that look down on Hungarians, because he is saying that everyone has created a better country than the Hungarians, and that there is no worse person than the Hungarians. However, we think that our country is just like anyone else's, and to us it is the most valuable because it is our homeland. A person can have many places of residence, but his homeland and homeland are only one.

Does Niedermüller really get up every day so that he can hate Hungarians and promote everything that is not Hungarian or Christian? Now we can see that the Hungarian left's speech is not an accidental anti-Hungarian statement, but one of the cornerstones of its worldview. No left-wing politician has ever protested Péter Niedermüller's scandalous statements, i.e. everyone agrees with him intellectually. They despise the community to which they owe their existence.

For those who do not care about the Hungarians across the border, sooner or later those from here will not care either. Péter Niedermüller is a vivid example of this. He would replace Hungarian, Christian, woman or man with anything "right".

Europe was made great by strong nations. We believe in Hungarians, we believe in Hungary. However, for the Hungarian left, the national interest cannot be interpreted, because they believe that the interests of others are superior. While we work for sovereignty, they work for the promotion of foreign interests at home.

Let this be clear to all.”

2022plus : Mr. Niedermüller, it would be best if you were to get out of this country you hate as quickly as possible. Everyone would win with it. Primarily Hungary, because it could not hate you from close quarters. The district you lead (?) would win, because there would be no more riots there. And you would also win big, let's say in Romania or Ukraine, you would feel better with a great standard of living and a little persecuted. That's it.

We would feel better without you.

Source: Facebook

(Cover image: Magyar Hírlap)