The sea parted, and the Hungarian Mermaid, the woman of the waters, the wave rider, rode forward from the foam. Like a sponge, he could soak up the infinite wisdom of sea creatures, as we could see immediately in his forward-looking gaze as he strode his water horse (not hippo) towards the shore. And our Kata brought her ideas with her. The daughter of the Tüttős.

This wonderful lady actually turned her horse in the direction of the European Union. Poor thing, such a seahorse pan was certainly not cheap fun, but it doesn't matter what it costs.

You might have thought the same (it doesn't matter what it costs). when he started impressing the people of Budapest with his energy saving ideas. More specifically, with other people's ideas. Frans Timmermans sent it to me, Márki-Zay confirmed it, so it must be correct and should be followed. Wash in cold water (Timmermans would not be happy with this, he thinks it is enough to air the clothes instead of washing), do not heat properly in winter (at most, you will have a lot of pneumonia - or let's call it more stylistically Pneumonia), do not cool the apartments in summer (heat stroke is just a fiction), do not use our cars (he also came from the water on a horse, so the production was not a passion, but an example).

He also has ideas (both he and the mayor of Málesás) against community energy waste. The duration of public lighting should be reduced (or arranged so that the Sun continues to shine?), because if we grope in the dark, a lot of energy can be saved. At best, they knock and rob in the dark, but that must be endured for the sake of the holy purpose. Among public institutions, those that use a lot of energy should be closed. That unscrupulous citizen should not go swimming, go to the sea (or worse, to Lake Balaton) if he wants to have a pancake. Of course not by car, the Hungarian sea, for example, can be reached on foot from anywhere in the country in a few weeks.

But the best thing is to reduce the speed limit of cars. How much more? At peak times, in the capital destroyed by them, even today, with some exaggeration, you can only drive around with a lot of environmental pollution. It is true that driving can be completely banned, which offers a special advantage: the service car of Tüttő, Karácsony and other important comrades can at least drive unhindered and they don't even have to use the bus lane...

However, such proposals - belying good intentions - are downright ridiculous. We know that neither Timmermans, nor Tüttő or Márki-Zay, but Gergely Karácsony implements his own proposals. And none of the good-natured Ballib politicians. Because they should start by not heating their home swimming pools, not keeping the greenhouses of their villas warm, and actually getting rid of their already polluting cars. We haven't heard of anything like this, at least for now.

Just tell me, creative and beautiful souls, have you ever met Uncle Váloság? Certainly not, as ideas like this prove it. Listen! Thanks to the government, we do have utility reduction. It must exist, as Karácsony demands that it also be maintained in local governments. What is otherwise labeled as stupid and harmful. So there is a reduction in utility bills, but energy is still expensive for most of us. Tell me, who is the mentally ill person who wastes it? Who wants to pay more than the minimum required?

According to Tüttő and his colleagues, he considers all of us to be mentally ill, and also evil, because we have the image to use anything at all to light, cook, mow the lawn, watch TV, and even, how vile, to wash and bathe - that is, to simply live normally! Phew! Great Hungarians!

I'd say you've gone to a warmer climate - but I won't say, they'll go without. They have plenty of room for it. We can be sure of one thing, they don't skimp. On the contrary, they would be happy to tighten our belts. They are very good at that.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

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