The water level of Lake Fertő is approaching a historically low value: since 1965, when the water level of the lake has been measured, compared to the current values, it was last four centimeters lower than this in 2003, G7 reports with reference to the Austrian newspaper Wiener Zeitung.

According to the paper, Austria and Hungary should start substantive negotiations on how to save Lake Fertő from drying out and ensure water supply to the area from the Hungarian side.

According to local experts, the low water level is a huge problem, among other things, because it also increases the risk of fires caused by lightning strikes. Last weekend, for example, three hectares of reeds burned on the Austrian side.

According to the G7, the previous proposal, which suggests that the water resources of the Fertő lake be replaced from the Mosoni-Danube, is more relevant than ever. By the way, this is included in the plans of the Hungarian government: the construction of the Jánossomorja canal would also mean that the water of the Danube could be used to replace the disappearing water of Lake Fertő.

Source: Mandarin

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