Small demonstrations have been taking place in Budapest for days. From 7 a.m. on Monday morning, food couriers - or at least activists dressed as them - demonstrated on the Margit Bridge against the transformation of the kata. The organizers expected a huge crowd, but there could have been no more than 300 people on site, plus spectators and members of the press. The organizers were audibly angry because of the pitifully small number of people. They kept trying to occupy the lanes anyway, preventing people from going to work.

At 7:00 a.m. on Monday morning, another demonstration began in Budapest, at Margit Bridge. At the time of the start, a few dozen, no more than 100 people gathered at the Pest bridgehead of the Margaret Bridge.

The few dozen people set out on the bridge shortly after 7 o'clock, but the police only allowed the protesters to occupy one lane -

due to the small number of people, they would not have been able to occupy the entire bridge anyway.

According to the Facebook event, the organizer of the demonstration was the Futarok ért KATA group, although the group itself has only existed for a few days and hardly any bicycle couriers could be seen at the scene. The left is obviously in the background, Ferenc Gyurcsány posted on his Facebook page three times in the last two days that "we are getting ready". The previous demonstrations were also organized with the help of the left-wing parties: first Ferenc Gyurcsány announced that he was preparing, then he sent his youth wing, Momentum, to the streets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the Kétfarkú Kutyapárt (MKKP) announced "bridge-occupying overtime" on Erzsébet Híd. On Saturday, Péter Márki-Zay, the former joint prime ministerial candidate of the left, organized a demonstration where, of course, he insulted the Fidesz voters again.

However, the current demonstration is already consciously civil, the organizers wrote: it will not be the politicians, but the demonstrators who will speak.

During the demonstration, the organizers audibly complained several times about how pitifully few people had gathered. After 8 o'clock, the number of demonstrators, together with onlookers and members of the press, increased to a maximum of 350 people, and the Pest side of the bridge was blockaded.

Although the organizers apparently did everything to present the demonstration as a civil demonstration, after 8 o'clock Ákos Hadházy also arrived at the scene, and the dialogic András Jámbor also appeared on the bridge.

The demonstration officially ended at 9:00 a.m., however, a few dozen protesters remained on the bridge and then headed towards the Nyugati railway station.

Maybe more couriers would have come if the Hadházys ordered a few pizzas!

Source and featured image: Origo