Many secular Christians say that the number of churchgoers in Hungary is decreasing due to the mistakes and sins of priests. They also claim that few young priests become priests because they do not see enough good examples in front of them. Some believe that the number of Catholic priests is low because of celibacy. These are all important factors, they certainly play a role in the shortage of priests, but even without changing them, we can do things that will make the priestly profession more attractive. I will tell you 3 + 1 "possibilities" about this.

Speak well of the priesthood!

Athanasius Schneider , assistant bishop of Kazakhstan, once asked his mother what it takes to become a priest when he was a teenager. "That requires a calling." came the answer. This is a very clever and infinitely simple answer: get the point across. If we talked about the priesthood to young people as an intimate, infinitely intimate relationship with God, then many more young people would be attracted to the priestly profession. A Jesuit monk once said that you can live without family, but not without intimacy. A priest maintains an intimate relationship with God.

We are the church

When the communist authorities disbanded the monastic orders in 1950, the members of many orders were taken to a common monastery until they were sent out into the world. Crowding, loss of purpose and hunger were their lot. Therefore, the villagers brought them food in several places. At one such gathering place, when an old woman appeared at the door of the monastery with a basket of food, the guard said to her, “Why are you bringing them food? Let the church give it to them!". "We are the church!" came the answer. And it doesn't matter what we, the faithful, are like. I once understood a priest's expectations of his followers. He didn't want everyone around him to be a saint. He was not interested in the ecclesiastical education of the faithful. It was not important to him how much money was collected for the benefit of Catholic schools. He had one wish: let the ship have momentum! What did you mean by that? That the faithful live in communities, that these communities have goals, cooperate with each other, and be ready for action: let the ship have momentum. Because then he can easily govern. And he will have time to perform the main duties of his priesthood.

Let's let our priests be priests!

Although we are the church, we only achieve something together with our priests. St. János Mária Vianney , the patron saint of parishioners, said this about the priesthood: "Without the holiness of the priesthood, God would not be among us. Who placed him in that tabernacle? The priest. Who received your soul at the beginning of your life? The priest. Who feeds your souls, giving you strength for your pilgrimage? The priest. Who will prepare him to appear before God, cleansed for the last time in the blood of Jesus Christ? The priest, always the priest. And if this soul dies [due to sin], who will raise it up, who will restore its rest and peace? Just the priest again. After God, the priest is everything!... The priest himself will only fully understand this in heaven." It is important to understand that without priests our encounters with Jesus at Holy Communion and confession would be impossible. That is why we value our priests. But if possible, don't be paranoid. Who are they? The name Bandi Gyükösi . Believers who are passionate about their priests are parrots. They are all around them, bombarding them with questions - and fanning their vanity. Let's not be like that!


It is very important to pray for our priests. Not just for their profession! Not only for young people to "become priests", but for already ordained, practicing priests. I wrote this prayer for them.

Triune One God!

Let your priests renew their determination for the priestly vocation every day! Give them an examination of conscience every night! Give them joy in their service! Let them love You so much that it is not difficult for them to bear the imperfections of the faithful! Let them never get comfortable! Let there be signs for young men, many of whom will decide to dedicate their lives to you! Grant that whatever blessings are given to us, the faithful, may fall upon them a hundredfold!


Source: Vdta/Piroska Rákóczi

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