"The big misunderstanding of the Western sanctions system is a childish idea: if I take away the other person's shovel in the sandbox, he will have nothing to play with," writes Gabor Steingart in an opinion piece published in the German newspaper Focus, quoted by hirado.hu.

But, Steingart adds , the truth is not that, but that this other is immediately looking for new friends and partners, and soon he will have a new shovel, but from somewhere else. As he puts it, "our sanctions burdened him, but they did not finish him. His life continues, only in the neighboring sandpit".

The article's author emphasizes that Russian President Vladimir Putin's flexibility in rescheduling supply chains and forming new alliances is both impressive and frightening.

Steingart in Focus agrees,

"Putin's ability to find new partners is apparently better than our ability to form alliances. The war caused us pain. He feels good as a war president. It's not nice to say that, but it's true" .

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Photo: MTI/EPA/AP pool/Aleksandr Zemlanychenko