The July-August issue of the Hungarian Reformed Presbyterian Association is now open.
Béla Kató, bishop of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District, greets the readers. Once upon a time, our Savior said to the church in Thyatira: "I know your works, your love and faith, your service and steadfastness, and that your last works are worth more than the first." (Revelation 2:19) - he starts his thoughts with this biblical guiding thread.
In his letter, he also thanks Lajos Békefy, a pastor and publicist who also publishes on our portal, for his decades-long value-preserving and creative work at the paper. As he writes in his letter:
"Our Lord richly blesses and rewards the former responsible editor of the PRESBITER magazine, dr. More than three decades of loyal service to Lajos Békefy. Until the new responsible editor is appointed, he should be supported and inspired by the former executive president of the Association, dr. Miklós Viczián in the role of responsible editor. May God's providential grace be with us!"
Dr. Miklós Viczián talks about the bread of life. László Bányai reflects on the summer period. As he writes, vacation is a gift from God. Dr. Judit Erdélyi continues her permanent column entitled The glory of God through the eyes of a doctor, this time it is about cardiovascular diseases.
A census will also be held in Hungary this fall. "For us, for Reformed people, it is important to draw attention to the census, because according to the census law, the provision of data is not mandatory with regard to data on health status, disability, religion, mother tongue and nationality. However, in addition to the fact that we want to get the most authentic picture of the number of members and the territorial distribution of our Reformed denomination, certain state norms are also tied to the number of members of each religious denomination, so they are important from this point of view," they explained in this regard.
We can read a report on the presbyter training that took place in Nagyvárád. This kind of training also took place in Tövishát.
The paper's new responsible editor, Gábor Káposzta, introduces himself. As he puts it in the short interview: "Jesus taught the people listening to him that 'you are the salt of the earth'" (Mt 5:13). Salt is an essential flavoring agent, without which most dishes become unappetizing. I would like the newspaper, just like salt, to continue to be a rich and colorful reading for many people, flavoring life, strengthening the soul."
István Margit talks about the opposition between war, fighting and faith, as well as peace in his article The Ways of God are Sometimes Unfathomable. They talk about the problems of depopulated churches and dwindling congregations.
The new presidency of the Presbyterian Association is presented. This time, Sándor Irlanda, the head warden of the Külső - Kelenföldi Reformed Church, presents himself in the Today's Presbyterians section.
You can also read a report on the conference of the Presbyterian Association of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District. The territorial organizations of the Diocese of Békés and Csongrád of the Hungarian Reformed Presbyterian Association held their 4th joint conference on May 28, 2022 in Vésztő.
Dániel D. Szabó expresses his thoughts regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war that broke out in February in his article "Brotherly remembrance during the war". The Foods of the Bible section continues, the summer double issue examines cedar and apples.