Mayor Gergely Karácsony called it gratifying that Hungary was unable to prevent EU sanctions against Russia, a leaked video revealed. According to the analyst, there is already tangible evidence that the left is working against our country.

Gergely Karácsony, mayor of Budapest, expressed his joy that Hungary could not prevent the European Union (EU) sanctions package. video recently published by political analyst Dániel Deák (below) testifies that, according to Karácsony, the Hungarian government is on the wrong side of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. The city manager explained: the union will put the Hungarian government under a lot of pressure, because the cabinet is in need of EU support. He added:

the EU has tools at its disposal with which it can bring the Hungarian government to a better view.

According to the analyst, this also made it clear that "the blatantly high energy prices and economic difficulties throughout Europe were caused by the failed sanctions of Brussels". He added: "the irresponsible sanctions policy of the international left and the unconditional servility of the domestic left" led to the current situation.

The full article in Magyar Nemzet can be read here.

Picture: Róbert Hegedűs