The oldest name of the holiday: dormitio (falling asleep) or pausatio (resting), i.e. the day of Mary's slumber and death. According to the tradition that goes back to the ancient church, the Redeemer did not release the body of his mother, Mary, to earthly life, but resurrected her shortly after her death and took her to heavenly glory. Written records attest to the existence of the holiday from the 7th century, Mary's Assumption into Heaven in 847 IV. Pope Leo made it an official holiday.

In the Munich Codex of 1446, its Hungarian name can be found for the first time: "Marianac fel menbe vetele". In the Hungarian-speaking area, the Virgin Mary is called the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the St. Gellért legend, "the Hungarian nation does not pronounce the name of the Mother of Christ, but only says it as Our Lady, because King St. István called Pannonia the family of the Blessed Virgin." During the Árpád era, the Virgin Mary became the main protection and patron of the Hungarians. Assumption Day is a mandatory holiday, which means that Catholics must attend mass on this day.

In honor of Our Lady According to the summary of the Gyulafehérvár Roman Catholic Archdiocese, churches or chapels were dedicated in honor of Our Lady in the following settlements: Csíkkarfalva, Déva, Vulkán, Vajdahunyad, Erzsébetváros: Armenian church, Királybánya, Topánfalva, Hosszúaszó, Bodola, Alsótömös, Sepsibükszád, Retteg, Késárfalva, Szarvaskend, Kapjon (defunct community), Désakna, Kohó-völgy, Mezőerked, Sinfalva, Küküllővár, Radnót, Szentdemeter, Náznánfalva, Nyárádköszvényes, Tölgyes, Palotailva, Székelyföldvár (Marosújvár), Marosszentkirály, Szárhegy: Franciscan church, Oroszhegy, Felsőboldogfalva, Kászonújfalu: cemetery chapel, Gyimesbükk: Kontumác, Csíkszentgyörgy: Pósa-hegy, Kolozsmonostor: abbey church (Kálvária), Zeletaváralja: Sikaszó.

According to the website of the archdiocese, in connection with the Feast of the Assumption, there will be church farewells on Monday in the following places this year: in Csíkszentgyörgy, the farewell of the Pósa-hegyi chapel will be held on August 15, from 12 noon, in Kontumác, the farewell will also be held on the day of the holiday, from 12 noon. The farewell party of the Radnót church in Maros county will be held on August 15, from 1 p.m. Gyergyóújfalvi parish priest Géza Tankó preaches.


Author: Simon Virág

Photo: Nándor Veres