"To be or not to be ?" – The thinking Hungarian; how many times have you found yourself faced with this Hamlet question! Reason places the answer among the secrets of the future. We would like to see a little into this secret...

The forced choice between being or not being has haunted the Hungarian many times, but his sword won. There were piercing eyes on him - even then - from all four directions. When it has settled permanently in the lap of the Carpathians. Even if the power of the sword has weakened, that of the spirit has awakened! Szent István decided after a great deal of struggle, and rejected Christianity as the basis of further Hungarian existence.

Then Tartar came, infighting raged, petty kings ravaged the country. Mohács destroyed, Turks conquered, for one hundred and fifty years. Habsburg by more than three hundred... And yet: the Hungarians kept a millennium in their own country. During a thousand years - more than a hundred times - our fate answered when we wondered: will we be or will we be lost? And - we are!

Our past is an eternal life-and-death battle fought on the conflicting border of being and non-being. Can this provide an answer: also for our future?

We turn to our education, which is an integral part of high culture. We hear and understand his suggestion... The process of life: emergence, formation and development are its stages, and new forms of existence always appear in the focus of opposing forces. This may be a universal law, but it does not reassure us about our Hungarian future. This is where it really shows that the human mind doesn't go far with reasoning. When examining human destiny and history, even the greatest thinkers often come to opposite conclusions. Thinking has a limit, beyond which you can only go further with the power of FAITH. This prompts us to act even in the present, even though we know that all our movements will only become deeds, creations, and facts in the future.

Tomorrow is conceived in today. The Vátészian spirit of our poets and thinkers whips the Hungarian so many times because he is worried about his future. He threatens that we are killers of our own strength, lazy and mistaken. Wasters of our heritage. Yet faith is in us, it is our lifeblood. If we had given up on the Hungarian future. we would only sing a dirge, but our lamentation is also encouraging: WE BELIEVE! AND WE NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER!

"IT CAN'T BE SO MANY HEARTS SHED BLOOD IN VAIN. . . "Faith gives rise to conviction ready for action, we must fulfill our vocation. Faith also answers our current musings: the Hungarian will remain so that he can fulfill his task!


On behalf of the voice of the 56 Hungarian freedom fighters scattered around the world: Tibor Véghely

(Cover photo: MTI/Tamás Kovács)