Onward British scumbags, globalists and potential murderers, down with filthy life protection and vile prayer! It seems that insanity has been unleashed in the island nation as well.

In recent years, attacks against Christians have become more and more frequent and powerful. For example, the consultation in Bournemouth lasts until August 31, where the local council will decide on the introduction of a kind of censorship zone - because of an abortion clinic.

They propose the creation of a so-called "buffer zone" around the institution, where they specifically seek to ban prayer and other life-saving activities. According to the proposal, it would be prohibited:

Protesting issues related to abortion services, including but not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counseling
Attempted or actual interference, intimidation or harassment of service users or BPAS clinic staff
Display text or images, music, audio or sound recordings play regarding abortion
Hold a Vigil where members pray audibly or read Scripture, sing, sprinkle holy water on the ground, or make a cross when they see a service user walking by.

It also emerged that there would be a 'designated area' within their designated zone where up to four people could be in 'peaceful protest' - however prayer and recitation of Scripture would still be prohibited. Anyone breaking any of these rules could be fined up to £1,000, Christian Concern said in a report.

2022plus: In simpler terms, all actions and information against feticide are prohibited. What is this if not a dictatorship of opinion? Of course, the question is, who elected the members of the Bournemouth local council? Who gave a vote of confidence to the supporters of feticide? Or, if it was not possible to know in advance what vile things they are capable of, then where is the protest?

But as our musical clown Gábor Eötvös said: There is another! There you go?

The leader of a small British Christian party was fired from his job for expressing his position on marriage in accordance with his faith in his election campaign. Maureen Martin, a prominent member of one of the UK's Christian parties (Christian People's Alliance), who previously ran as a mayoral candidate in a constituency in London, expressed her opinion that, in her opinion, "marriage is between a man and a woman " . Because of this, he was reported for hate speech and then fired from his job.

The world is headed for destruction. Until now, he was just running, now he is running faster and faster towards the abyss. Rest assured, if it's up to these crazies, they'll jump right in.

But at least we are not rushing towards the end...

Source and title image: PestiSrácok

Cover photo: Maureen Martin, the dismissed Christian politician