At the LMP congress the other day, co-president Erzsébet Schmuck said the following: "The goal of the LMP in the coming period is to bring green policy even closer to the people."

This would be a laudable goal if the LMP's politicking rested on a professional basis, if it did not confuse current tasks with long-term tasks, and if it wanted to resolve professional issues not through street politics. Unfortunately, the party's politicization so far is not based on the listed principles. Since the amendment of the KATA law did not move the masses, and the bridge closures did not gain popularity either, the temporary easing of logging rules came to the opposition like manna to the desert wanderer. Finally, a cause that can bring masses to the streets! The LMP's "deforestation" action actually has three goals: media attention, discrediting the government, and increasing party support.

In order to give an overview of the level of domestic "green" politics, I quote from of environmental activist Erzsébet Schmuck LMP spokesperson József Gál "This decree removes all kinds of restrictions, practically even nature conservation areas you can cut it...there is no government in Europe, apart from the Hungarian one, that starts deforestation in the midst of the climate and water crisis...Furthermore, forests have not only financial benefits, it is not only the amount of timber that can be extracted from them that matters, but also, for example, they provide oxygen...Viktor Orbán was absent from school , when they were learning about forests, otherwise your government would not have passed this "disastrous" decree. The LMP requests the annulment of the legislation from the Ab, Erzsébet Schmuck said... József Gál said that 25,000 people signed their petition in order to withdraw the government decree on Friday. According to the LMP, the most important thing is that every home has heating, but 12 years of faulty energy policy has led to the introduction of such bad, hasty measures. "Get your hands off the Hungarian forests!" - said the spokesperson of the opposition party.

Oswald Spengler noticed this style of politics with a sharp eye a hundred years ago . Quote from the monumental work "Twilight of the West" II. from his volume: "We live in an age of boundless trust in the omnipotence of reason. The great, general concepts of freedom, law, humanity, and progress are sacred. Great theories act like gospels. But their persuasive power does not rest on principles - because the masses belonging to the party have neither the critical energy nor the insight to seriously examine all of this - but on the sanctity of slogans. In any case, magic is limited to the population of the big cities and the era of rationalism, "that religion of educated people". It does not affect the peasantry at all, and the urban masses only at a certain age: there, however, with the power of a new revelation. People are converted, they stand in awe of the words and their preachers; they can become martyrs on the barricades, on the battlefield, on the gallows.”

Now let's run through the statement of the LMP quoted above and compare it with O. Spengler's brilliant findings. Today, the "green" gospel is nature and environmental protection, saving the Earth from the climate catastrophe. At the same time, it is clear from the statement quoted above that even the politicians of the party do not have an "insight" on the matter, let alone the masses. They have no idea about forest management and its legal environment. Because there is no question of lifting all restrictions and there is no question of deforestation, but that does not matter. And Erzsébet Schmuck, who is ironic with our Prime Minister, mistakenly believes that forests are the lungs of the Earth. This is an unforgivable professional mistake in his position! Because they teach in schools that during photosynthesis, the plant's chlorophyll uses the sun's energy to produce sugar from water absorbed from the soil and carbon dioxide absorbed from the air, and oxygen enters the air as a byproduct of assimilation: 6CO 2 +6H 2 O=C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 . Cellulose and lignin are then largely formed from the sugar.

But when wood rots or rots, according to the principle of conservation of matter, decomposition requires the same amount of oxygen as was released during assimilation. So forests are not the lungs of the Earth! This is also proven by the empirical fact that, while in the last 2000 years, humanity has destroyed half of the forests, transformed them into agricultural land, and the population has decreased to approx. It increased from 200 million to nearly 8 billion, while the oxygen content of the air did not move from 21%. Today, there is eighty times less forest area per person than two thousand years ago, yet we are not drowning. How can the professional politicization of the LMP be credible if environmental activist Erzsébet Schmuck does not know this basic principle! Forests are especially important for the preservation of biological diversity! I would like to know if the politicians of the LMP have any idea what the concept they often refer to means and why it is important?

And the fact that the energy policy of the last 12 years led to the domestic energy crisis is overwhelmingly denied by the fact that Germany, the leader of the "green" programs, is in a much bigger energy crisis than Hungary. In the radio statement, the LMP gave a political answer to the energy policy problem! This is misleading the masses. Nowadays, the slogan on duty is: "Get away from the Hungarian forests with your hands!" This slogan can be used to bring well-intentioned but uninformed masses to the streets, and thus nature and environmental protection becomes the "religion of educated people". That is why the population of the big cities is able to revere the words of the child born in 2003, Gréta Thunberg , who spoke at several world congresses and summits, and even spoke at the UN. This is where the professionalism of "green" politics has sunk! Today's "martyrdom" means chaining "green" activists to live trees at most.

In the report, the woman politician once again brought up one of the "greens'" fringes, clear cutting, interpreting the cutting mode in a broader sense, but for reasons of length, I will discuss this at a later date. What is extremely sad about this emotion-based, fact-ignoring, pseudo-scientific politicking is that the climate catastrophe is really approaching, but at the same time, this doctrinaire "green" policy cannot be expected to save the Earth. O. Spengler is right, "green" politics only exists in slogans! Quote from Gyula Fekete's collection of aphorisms entitled "Tengercseppek": "Doctrinaires are very useful people, as long as they awaken and provoke thought with their theses, daydreams, and bold imaginations. But if the doctrine is embraced by state politics, helps it to the throne, brings it to power - it's all hell... The political doctrinaire is the most dangerous kind of believer... The doctrinaire also has his own stove: the on-call Great Book, the on-call deity, the on-call Thesis... Without brick , he would reach for stone and mortar, he builds himself a flask world from doctrinaire theorems, obsessions, and hypotheses."

Today's on-call thesis: if we embargo Russia, Putin will have no money to continue the war.
And since the doctrine was "embraced" by the politicians of the Union, Russia is already subject to seven sanctions. The "green" politicians cannot get rid of this "obsession", while everyone already sees that the sanctions against Russia are much more painful for the Union than for Russia. The best example of this "flask world" is Germany, where the "greens" have already come to power, and where, as a result of their operation, the operation of the German economy, the engine of Europe, has already been threatened, not to mention the energy supply of the population. For Germans, winter can be "complete hell". What is tragicomic about German "green" politics is that they reopen opencast coal mines and coal power plants and import nuclear power from France after shutting down most of their own nuclear power plants. The "green" politician of our time is the know-it-all type, alien to life, clinging to perceived truths, the big city roommate type, who is completely incapable of solving the big, real problems of life. This lesson can be learned from the entire activity of the "green" elite in Brussels so far. Right now they are working on the destruction of agriculture, but they have already brought up the need for some kind of common regulation for forests as well. Just think of the difference between Mediterranean and Scandinavian forests! Regarding the burning of dendromass (the wood material), the public is bombarded with false claims, claiming that the burning of dendromass is not carbon neutral. We cannot expect this demagogic "green" political force to avert the climate catastrophe! So much for the content.

As for the form, the LMP's style of politics is nothing more than the implementation of Saul Alinsky's Quote from the 12 Rules of Radicals: “Keep the pressure on. Don't let up...Attack, attack, attack from all directions, never give the faltering organization a chance to rest, regroup, get back on its feet and rethink its strategy." This style of politicization undermines parliamentary democracy by hysterizing public life. And now Erzsébet Schmuck wants to "bring" this "green" policy without real content "closer" to the people. Even more people on the streets!…. 2014, the Pro Silva Hungaria movement was founded. Its mission statement from its website: "...its aim is to provide professional support for forest management that maintains continuous forest cover. The social organization of about 100 members consists of forest managers, conservationists and ecologists committed to the Pro Silva principles. In addition to the production of quality timber, forest management in accordance with the Pro Silva principles ensures the continuous maintenance of forest biodiversity and forest ecosystem functions. This management method ensures the harmony of the economic, protection and public welfare purposes of the forests." I would venture that Erzsébet Schmuck , Máté Kanász-Nagy or Péter Ungár have not even heard of this voluntary movement.

The one-hundred-person initiative has now grown into a nationwide movement. In the country's forests, a factory-scale experiment is underway with the aim of researching how to convert single-age forests into mixed-age forests. It may be a simple matter for the urban "greens", but we foresters, who know the functioning of the forest better than they do, admit that we are still only collecting data and gaining experience, we certainly do not have recipes yet. I can perceive the complexity of the task like this: if, for example, we want to transform a fifty-year-old forest so that it contains roughly all age groups from saplings to one hundred and fifty years old, then this work will take another hundred years. But even then, primeval forest is not created, but only similar to it. With the experiments, we are trying to get an answer at the operational level as to when, where, what and how much we need to cut down in order to get a forest of mixed age and mixed. Furthermore, how can the extracted timber be gently extracted from the forest, which is becoming more and more natural?

Finally, I note that the old forests, which the "greens" protect tooth and nail, were born and grew even before there was no nature conservation law. Hungarian forests are not to be feared from foresters! Foresters have doubled the area of ​​forestry since Trianon! And the forestry society does not deserve the politically motivated, irritated tone of criticism formulated by the LMP, which ignores the facts and lacks all professionalism! The lesson learned from the LMP's politicization so far is that the party is a satellite party of the Brussels "greens", and the Brussels "green" policy digs the grave of Europe instead of saving the Earth. The "green" policy of the LMP is discredited if only because it has become a supporter of the globalist Ferenc Gyurcsány. Because the opposition between globalism, which exploits natural resources, builds a consumer society, and promotes endless economic growth, and true green politics is irreconcilable!

Author: Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer

(Cover image: Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt.)