The Czech Republic, as the current president of the Council of the European Union, has convened an extraordinary meeting of the energy ministers of the European Union in Brussels on September 9, Czech Industry and Transport Minister Jozef Síkela announced at a press conference in Prague on Monday.

According to Síkela, the current energy crisis and the necessary specific emergency measures will be discussed at the meeting.

The minister told journalists that the European energy market has collapsed , therefore urgent measures are needed. Síkela blamed Russia and the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin Another important reason is that there is a severe drought in Europe, which makes it difficult to operate hydroelectric power plants, and the fact that, for example, in France, about half of the nuclear power plants are currently shut down for various reasons.

According to Síkela, the ministers will discuss the proposal to maximize gas prices at the extraordinary meeting of the European Union's energy council in Brussels. He pointed out that gas is one of the most important raw materials for electricity production. Jozef Síkela believed that this way is a less expensive solution to the current problem than reducing electricity prices.

2022plus: Mr. Síkela forgets that the energy crisis is not due to Putin's evil, but to the European Union's current sanctions policy. The problem with maximizing gas prices (i.e. with the price cap) is that the EU globalists have harmed Hungary (a thousand times over) precisely because of such steps. That is: if there is a cap, that is the problem, if there is no cap, then it is.

Source: MTI

(Caption image: YouTube screenshot )