Despite the global food shortage and the energy crisis, there are people who really care about standing up for the rights of the Balaton fish and even for saving the fish stock. No, this is not a belated April Fool's joke, some people actually protested against the Catfish Festival and fishing in Fonyód. We live in a cruel world, it is not controversial - writes PestiSrácok.
Four or five young vegans decided that they would not stand idly by the cruel destruction of Balaton fish, so they protested for fish rights at the Catfish Festival. However, at the Fonyód event, they did not win a spectacular victory over the "barbaric" fish eaters, who, instead of arguing with the vegans, mostly voted for catfish paprika and happily consumed the food , more precisely the fish carcasses.
Fishing and fishing are animal cruelty! Argue with a vegan! – this was the text written on the white sheet that they set up as a stand in their big protest. (In fact, reading this must have been really creepy to think about having to argue with a vegan instead of a bell pepper...)
It is worth knowing about the Hungarian Vegan Association that one of the most important goals of the organization is to "unify the Hungarian vegan movement and provide representation for those who lead a vegan lifestyle in Hungary, thereby promoting the cause of the eradication of animal abuse in the form of social movements and legal representation." In the same way, they feel it is their duty to take action against atrocities committed against animals in the form of open letters and official resolutions, as well as to spread the vegan point of view in the form of street movements, animal rights lectures and conferences, as well as workshops. The performance in Fonyód is probably also due to this.
2022plus: If our historical knowledge is correct, the primitive man did not graze, but hunted, fished and even ate the killed game. Your trash! Not to mention the fact that the overwhelming majority of people living in the world still practice this outrageous behavior with great pleasure. Repulsive! And scientific researchers are lying when they state that eating fish is healthy, while a vegan lifestyle poses quite a threat to the health of those involved. This is just the trick of animal eaters! They bought them by the kilo! Then there are the bestial hunters who slaughter innocent rabbits, deer and wild boars. Of course, if they didn't, they would overpopulate without natural enemies, overwhelming everything, but that's beside the point. The main thing is that they are not eaten by wild animals (that is, us carnivores).
It's interesting that for some reason you don't see most vegans at demonstrations against the killing of fetuses (abortion). Because the fetus does not suffer, only the catfish. And the one who takes protesting vegans seriously.
Source and title image: PestiSrácok/Facebook