An example of a three-decade success story can be found in Vaskeresztes and its surroundings near the Hungarian-Austrian border, where instead of the isolation caused by the Iron Curtain and the sack villages, there are now orderly, neat settlements, which are no different from the Austrian villages on the other side of the border - said the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office in Vaskeresztes on Saturday , at the opening of the traditional harvest event.

Gergely Gulyás stated: the natural environment, grapes and wine are gifts given by God, with which the local people manage well and cherish their traditions.

He added: the people living in the region have already lived through difficult years, and now difficult times are coming again, but we can overcome them by working together and helping each other.

The population is overwhelmingly Hungarian and German-speaking, and several neighboring settlements are inhabited by people belonging to the Croatian nationality.

The settlement is notable for its characteristic red wine, and in recent decades it has also become a destination for fishing tourism due to the trout that have been reintroduced to the Pinka stream.

Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office
Photo: MH/Tamás Purger
Source: MTI/