They say that time solves many things. The result of the solutions is the event that, after its appearance, awaits thoughtful and even mature answers.

The Hungarian-Polish historical relations and the fraternal friendship of the two peoples set an example even in difficult situations. Letting go of each other's hands has always been the wish of the opposition party politicians in both countries, aimed at overthrowing the governments representing right-wing national and Christian ideologies.

The centuries-old friendship between the Polish and Hungarian people can only be decided by their citizens. It can be assumed that this decision is positive.

A war conflict such as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict may cause different reactions in relation to the interests of our countries and their location on the map. Russian aggression is a basic situation, there is no dispute. It was beyond dispute that the care and reception of those fleeing the war is our duty of solidarity. The Hungarian and Polish people stood by the example of those who came from Ukraine.

However, it is also a fact that in order to preserve the peace of our native brothers living in Subcarpathia, we had to decide to stay out of the war. Our government made this clear with the decision that it stood on the side of the Ukrainians, but we do not supply weapons for their just fight. In Transcarpathia, Ukrainians fleeing the war can now find a peaceful place to stop.

In the spirit of solidarity, our aid packages are continuously delivered to all Ukrainian citizens without discrimination.

Hungary's energy dependence on Russian gas and oil, considering the EU member states, is outstanding. Due to our geographical situation, it is not possible to obtain it from anywhere other than the Russians within a short period of time. If these deliveries were to stop despite the long-term contracts, our economy would literally fall to the floor immediately, causing damage to foreign-owned companies operating in Hungary. Thus, among other things, the operation of German and American investments would be interrupted.

Approaching the economic problems arising from the war situation on a political basis, the Hungarian government has always indicated that energy sanctions should be dealt with sparingly. The facts are stubborn, the people of many countries of Western Europe are now dreading the arrival of winter. An increasing number of citizens are disputing the energy sanctions, and the number of protesting street movements is also increasing. It is no exaggeration to say that the majority of the peoples of Europe demand a cease-fire and are in favor of establishing peace.

The geopolitical pursuit of the USA resulted in a show of force. The real fight is between the two great powers. Meanwhile, Ukraine is paying dearly for this, unfortunately with thousands of its residents. We can see that the Russians are stubborn. They respond to sanctions with sanctions. The people of Europe are suffering as they see clearly that this war cannot be won by either side. Currently, Ukraine is a checkerboard, and it has little to do with the creation of peace in its territory.

Our Polish friends also deliver weapons to those unjustly attacked. They also felt the attacks of Nazi Germany and the Bolshevik Soviet Union. They probably believe that with strong American help they can finally solve the independence of their country. However, this wish was granted with the help of NATO. NATO very correctly ensures the protection of its members, it is not an offensive institution. It is ambiguous that the USA, which also participates in NATO, is helping Ukraine with a possible attack with an ever-increasing amount and efficiency of weapons, whose leader, observing press statements, would not even stop as far as Moscow if he could.

We can say that the continuous armed aid provided by European countries does not lead to peace. NATO allies must demonstrate a deterrent force and guarantee the protection of Europe in the long term. The military alliance, if it does its job, ensures the protection of its member countries.

A possible question is why the Ukrainian-Russian conflict did not continue when the Russians occupied the Crimean Peninsula? Checking the peace negotiations at that time and then defending the contents of the signed treaties raises the question of responsibility.

Both warring parties and their allies have failed to heal an open wound of war. One of the main reasons can be found in Ukraine's nationality policy. The European Union should have paid more attention to this problem.

It cannot be considered an exaggeration when we state that the peace of Europe has become secondary to the ideological and political fighting among the member states of the Union. So we reached the point where the sovereignty of the European continent was also threatened. It can be seen that there is a need to increase the efficiency of the European Union. The transformation of the institutional system cannot wait a long time, at the time of the 2024 elections, suitable leadership representing the interests of the peoples of the member countries must be ensured. All those who aspire to global power are to be rejected. With the cooperation of America, Europe and Asia, forces must be mobilized to catch up with the African continent. Beneficial economic solutions that benefit all participants should be highlighted.

Starting today, let's focus on everything that connects us: people's better life, safety, and the future of our families. We not only hope, but also know that the Prime Minister of Poland thinks the same way, and he called the Hungarians for cooperation again with a pure spirit and unbroken will later on.

The friendship of the Hungarian and Polish people is moving along the path that our civilians paved together, i.e. "Nothing about us without us" - so everything that benefits our Earth, with us!


Photo: MTI