On Saturday, i.e. today, the jubilee Mindszenty pilgrimage will be organized, which will go from Városmajor in Budapest to Máriaremeter. At Máriaremet, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest will present the Holy Mass at noon, the archdiocese announced.

The motto of the pilgrimage organized every five years, taken from József Mindszenty: "God is young." He owns the future."

The main purpose of the atonement procession is a common prayer for peace, the homeland and Hungarian families.

Pilgrims leave Városmajor at 8 am on Saturday morning . The procession is the XII. district, Szamos utca- Városmajor utca- II. district, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor - Hűvösvölgyi út - Nagykovácsi út - Nagyrét út - Ördögarok utca - Szent József utca.

Cardinal József Mindszenty, Prince-Primate, proclaimed the Year of the Blessed Virgin 75 years ago, in the framework of which on September 15, 1947, under the leadership of the Prince-Primate, one hundred thousand male pilgrims marched from Városmajor to Mária Cemetery, asking the Virgin Mary to help Hungary.

The commemorative pilgrimage was held for the first time after the regime change, in September 1991, and since 1997, the faithful have been making a pilgrimage to Mary's Memorial every five years.

Source: MTI