On Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen held a lecture at the American Princeton University, where, in response to a student question, she literally said that they are closely following the Italian elections and "we will see the results of the elections, so we will see if things go in a difficult direction, I have already talked about Hungary and Poland, we have the tools," the Facebook post of the Center for Fundamental Rights states.

In other words, if the Italian people entrust the formation of the government to the right-wing party alliance this Sunday, the committee can expect to exert pressure simply because of the political color of the cabinet - as it has been doing in relation to our country for years.

This is an open admission that the commission is punishing both our country and Poland for reasons of worldview, and if the Italian right wins, Italy may also find itself in the crossfire of similar procedures and veto - they point out.

The words of the chairman of the committee unfortunately confirmed the suspicion that the debates about the rule of law and democracy are not legal, but political.

Just as there are political and non-rational reasons for further enforcement of sanctions policies. What the two have in common - the post highlights - is that both the unreasonable sanctions and the punishment of our country are supported by the domestic left - the Hungarian left sees the EU institutions as an ally in order to take revenge for the right's successive victories and their own failures.

Ursula von der Leyen's words can also be seen as an open admission: Brussels is not responsible for the unity of the continent, but rather for breaking up European unity by eliminating certain member states.

The founding fathers of the European Union certainly did not dream of a community that brings peace and prosperity to the XXI. their 19th-century heirs break its unity due to ideological dislikes and raise doubts about the unity of Europe - emphasizes the Center for Fundamental Rights.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Anadolu Agency/AFP/Dursun Aydemir)