reported in its news feed that continuously follows the elections in Italy that Katarina Barley , (in our picture) the vice-president of the European Parliament, says that the is "worrying" because "Giorgia Meloni will be a prime minister whose political role models are Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump".

Serial Katarina Barley

György Soros and Katarina Barley. Source : twitter,

With Meloni, the autocrats would "get a lobbyist in the Council" to "sprinkle sand into the EU machine" , warned Barley.

Meloni's 'election speeches for Europe' cannot refute the fact that he is a threat to constructive European integration," added Barley.

Catherine Barley

2022plus: the inscription on our picture: "I welcome the article about impeaching the anti-democratic Orbán for corruption." We only shared this picture with our readers so that they could see how impartial and independent the president is! The other inscription in the lower right corner of the picture: "Social politics for you." Thank us no! Maybe try it at home! Source: Katharina Barley Facebook

Source: Mandarin

Opening photo: Katharina Barley drinking beer. Photo: Bernd Thissen/DPA/AFP