Deutsche Telekom's "Rethink Diversity Squad" published a transgender "handbook", which the company's Hungarian employees also received, Mandiner learned. The purpose of the publication is that every employee can experience "his best authentic self" They add, "this document is a living document that is constantly evolving" .
According to the book, which contains most of the nonsensical and unscientific claims of gender ideology, only 80 percent of the world's population is heterosexual (which is the result of a conceptual manipulation), 19 percent is homosexual, and 1 percent is transgender. However, these LGBTQ percentage figures are highly exaggerated, in fact, all LGBTQ people together make up only 5.6 percent of society , and transgender people are much less than 1 percent.
According to the publication, a person's gender (biological sex) is " sex assigned at birth" and "gender is not binary, neither male nor female, but in most cultures a binary label is indicated on the birth certificate" . And “ gender identity” can be “described as the gender of the brain. It is non-chosen and non-binary (there is a full spectrum)' .
In contrast to all this, the scientific truth is that biological sex is binary, and intersex people born with a birth defect do not form some kind of separate gender . A person's gender is not assigned at birth, but determined, "gender identity" - by which they primarily mean transgender - is not the gender of the brain, science has not proven that it has any biological cause (just like homosexuality ).(...)
By the way, since December 2021, the head of Deutsche Telekom's LGBTQ sensitization courses has been a transgender named Katie Neeves, who is a man living as a woman (pictured above.)
The full Mandiner article can be read here.
Author: Gergely Szilvay
Image: Deutsche Telekom