We need EU economic sanctions that cause serious economic difficulties for the Russian aggressor, not for the people and economy of Europe, President Katalin Novák said at the press conference held in Bratislava on Friday after a face-to-face and then plenary meeting with Slovak President Zuzana Caputová.

The relationship between the two countries is good, Slovakia, for example, is Hungary's second largest economic partner, but the number of people crossing the border is also constantly increasing: by the end of 2023, the Hungarian-Slovak border can be crossed at 41 places, the Hungarian head of state said.

Turning to the situation of minorities, Katalin Novák reminded that according to the data of the recently completed Slovak census, there are almost half a million Hungarians living in the country, and the enforcement of their rights is extremely important to Hungary. Among the surrounding countries, Hungarians assimilated the most in Slovakia - pointed out the President of the Hungarian Republic, who asked his Slovak counterpart to do everything to ensure that the local Hungarians can preserve their national identity.

Katalin Novák added that in Hungary, a national advocate now represents the rights of the 35,000 Slovak minority in the Parliament, and the number of Slovak schools has tripled.

Slovakia is also the guest of honor at the Budapest International Book Festival, which opened on Thursday, he noted.

The Hungarian head of state spoke of the war in Ukraine as an "inevitably important topic".

"Our position has been firm from the first minute: we condemn Russia's aggression, its attack on Ukraine, and we stand up for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty," he emphasized.

Regarding military assistance, Slovakia and Hungary do not take the same position, but both accept large numbers of Ukrainian refugees. Both countries' interests and priority goals are the creation of peace, even though the outlook does not currently point in this direction. Katalin Novák added that so far it has been possible to form a common position and reach acceptable compromises in the field of sanctions against Russia, for example, both Slovakia and Hungary can enjoy exemptions from the oil embargo.

However, it is necessary to review the effects of the current and planned sanctions and he announced that he will also propose support for such sanctions packages to Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger at their meeting on Friday, which will cause serious economic difficulties for the Russian aggressor, not for the European economy.

Katalin Novák also emphasized the importance of the cooperation of the Visegrad Four: "there is no alternative to this, it gives us the opportunity to best enforce our common values ​​within the EU".

The Hungarian head of state asked for the support of his Slovak counterpart in connection with the awarding of EU funds "rightfully due" to Hungary.

On Friday morning, Katalin Novák met in Bratislava with the leaders of the Association representing the interests of the Hungarian minority in a multi-party alliance, and in the afternoon she held a meeting with Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger, then participated in the year-opening event of the Bratislava Hungarian Vocational College and visited Dévény to lay a wreath at the Freedom Gate monument.

Source: MTI

Photo: MTI/Noémi Bruzák