Interim municipal elections will be held in the second district on Sunday. In electoral district No. 2, the residents have to go to the polls because their representative, János Tompa from DK, who beat István Bálványkövi from Fidesz in 2019 with a ratio of 49.46:39.67 percent, died.

Three years ago, the opposition won ten of the 14 districts (Jobbik did not belong here, but Márki-Zay's Everyone's Magyarországa Mozgalom did), so the city administration, together with the mayor, consists of 12 representatives, and the Fidesz-KDNP has 8, the Kutya Party has 1 politician in the municipality. Thus, the result of the election does not affect the left's majority in the representative body.

The ruling party is trying again with Bálványkövi, the Kutya Párt has made a change, from them Hildebrand Krisztián Roland is entering the ring, the candidate nominated by the DK on behalf of the opposition. Apart from her party, Eszter Nagy is also supported by MSZP, Párbeszéd, Momentum and LMP, but not by Jobbik and MMM - as the relationship between Péter Márki-Zay and Ferenc Gyurcsány is very bad now.

Eszter Nagy didn't just discover the DK politician, she has been posting DK content on her Facebook page since 2012. At the same time, he published a post about Ferenc Gyurcsány a year earlier, in which he stood by the fallen prime minister during the investigation of the cases before 2010. Considering his life path so far, Nagy is considered the black belt Gyurcsányist candidate of foreign interest groups.

By the way, Eszter Nagy's extreme liberal affiliation is already reflected in her Facebook profile picture, which reveals, among other things, her support for the LGBTQ lobby, she posted the slogan "The family is the family" on her photo, as well as a photograph taken from the cover of the book "Fairy Tales for Everyone". Under one of his photos, he expressed his belief in the CEU financed by Soros.

The Gyurcsány party, which openly supports the creation of the United States of Europe, does not value Hungarian self-determination and sovereignty in the same way as Eszter Nagy, who heads the Hungarian association of European federalists. By the way, the DK candidate also shares the opinion of the fallen prime minister regarding the voting rights of Hungarians across the border.

And the fact that Eszter Nagy is connected to the federalist Soros network is also problematic because it was recently revealed that a significant part of the left's 22nd parliamentary election campaign was financed from abroad. The opposition's former candidate for prime minister, Péter Márki-Zay, admitted all this himself. According to the signs, in the person of Eszter Nagy, a politician committed to foreign interest groups is being launched by the left in the II. in the district interim municipal election.

Source: Csaba B. Almási's entire article on Mandine .

Image: Facebook ( journalist Imre Para-Kovács next to Eszter Nagy)