According to French President Emmanuel Macron, European nations should forge closer relations with Asian economies in order to persuade the United States and Norway to have a "friendlier relationship" - that is, to sell energy carriers at a cheaper price, reports Bloomberg.

Macron spoke about this at a conference in Paris in early October. According to the French president, the countries sanctioning Russia are "freedom fighters", but they are divided into consumers and producers when it comes to fossil energy carriers.

In the spirit of deep friendship, we send a message to the Americans and Norwegians: you are great, you supply us with energy carriers,

but it won't be long before you are offering this at four times the price of your own internal market. That's not what friendship means, Macron said.

He added that France would like to discuss the issue at the next G7 summit. According to the French president, "the gas market does not really exist at the moment", so the world's leading economies should return to "sensible" energy prices.

Source and full article: Magyar Nemzet

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