Magyar Nemzet turned to the managing director of the company that publishes Ezalé, Zoltán Páva, in order to find out: is it a coincidence that the same business company handles the bookkeeping of the publisher, as that of DatAdat, branded with the name Gordon Bajnai, and the Democratic Coalition EP -representatives are employed in a similar position. He has not received an answer so far.

Is it just a coincidence that Oraculum 2020 Kft., which publishes Ezalé, has the same accountant as the one who does the accounting for DatAdat and works for the EP representatives of the Democratic Coalition? Why was this job entrusted to the accountant in Szegi? - we asked Zoltán Páva, the managing director of Oraculum 2020 Kft., our questions, but no answer was received.

As we previously reported, companies connected to a certain Józsefne Tóth do the bookkeeping for DatAdat Professional Kft., branded as Bajnai Gordon, and the company that operates the payment point for Democratic Coalition MEPs in Szegi, Borsod, is also connected to the lady. In addition, we learned that Józsefné Tóth's company also does accounting work for Ezalé .

The left-wing fake news portal was created in 2019 to take the lion's share of the left's local government campaign and spread disparaging material on social media.

The management of the company was entrusted to Zoltán Páva, who is an old cadre: his father was a socialist member of parliament, who once held the position of mayor of Komló. And in 2008, during the Gyurcsány government, Zoltán Páva Jr. was responsible for the coordination of relations between the MSZP, the socialist faction and the cabinet.

the full article of Magyar Nemzet here.

Image: MTI